Is it possible to generate feeds in several languages
Is your plugin compatible with WPML and is it possible to create feeds in several languages if I have a multilingual website?
Also, does your plugin gives the possibilité to add a “brand” attribute and a “GTIN” identifier?
Thank you very much in advance.
Yes and yes ??
We have a WPML add-on and you can use any standard attribute as input for your feed. If you’re using a third party plugin to add attributes, you need to set a filter to get to the attributes, but that is possible.
Thank you for your answer.
Where can I find a recap of the difference between the free version of your plugin and the paying version of your plugin?
Where can the WPML add-on be found? And is it free?
And concerning the “brand” and “GTIN” attributes, is it possible to add attributes without a third party plugin? (directly in WooCommerce for example)
If a third party plugin is needed, which one do you advise for that?Thank you very much in advance.
The differences are that in the free plugin you have a limit of 100 products per feed and you can not add product variations. Further more the Premium ECommerce version has other channels besides the Google Merchant channel. A list of the currently available channels can be found here:
The WPML add-on can be downloaded for free from your account page if you have a premium account. If you want to use it on your free version, just send me a mail to michel @
If you use the standard WooCommerce Product Attributes to add the brand and GTIN data to your products, our plugin can handle that out-of-the-box. You don’t need any third party plugin for that.
Ok I have less than 100 products, I don’t need product variations and I only the Google Merchant channel so the free version is good for me.
However, I am currently testing your plugin on a staging website and it doesn’t work…
I try to create a feed and then I always have “Processing failed” in “Status”, even after regenerating it several times.
How can I resolve the problem?Other question: to have the additional images in the feed, I went in “Optional attributes” then “Add additional output” then “additional_image_link” and the source is “Image Library”.
Is it ok?
Is it going to find all the additional images corresponding to each products?Thank you for your help.
OK, that’s fine.
As for your staging server, you can start with working through the steps mentioned here: Usually it should start working again with the first few steps.
As for the other question, I would say; give it a try :-). There is no harm to just making the selection, generate the feed, open it and check if the correct data is in the feed. As long as the feed has not been released to Google it’s yours to play with. Our you could just make a test feed and play around with it.
The problem for me to help you with that is that I don’t know how your products are set up so I don’t know what the correct source is.
If you want to use the data from a standard WooCommerce attribute, you usually should find the data in the source that has the attribute name with a prefix of pa_. So if you use a standard attribute with the name gtin, you should usually find a source with the name pa_gtin in the source list. But it is depending on your setup.
Just try a few sources on a test feed.
I did the steps but it doesn’t work on the staging website.
Anyway, I now installed the plugin on the live website and it works.I am going to send you an email to ask you for the WPML add-on for the free version. Thank you in advance.
I have some additional questions and remarks:
1) If I make an update schedule of the feed 24 times per day for example. Does it take a lot of ressources from my server? (I only have 15 products)
And is a new XML file generated each time? And does this new XML file overwrites the previous XML file? Or does it also takes additional disk space?
How many times per day would you recommend to update the feed?2) I made modifications into my feed (for example I changed the product description into “Short Description” instead of “Long Description”) and then I saved it and then I regenerated the feed and then clicked on it to see the XML but nothing changed and this is still the Long Description. Why doesn’t i change?
3) In the “Actions” that you can make on the feed, the fourth action is “Démarrage automatique” (in French). What does it do because I don’t understand what it is?
4) For your information: the translation of your plugin in French is terrible… It even really makes it difficult to understand in French.
For example, the name of your plugin in French in the left column of the WordPress admin is “Gestionnaire d’alimentation” (I suppose that it’s “Feed manager” in English). The correct translation for that in French should be “Gestionnaire de flux”.
Another example: when you create a feed, for the “update schedule”, it states in French: “Tous les … jour(s) au … … à la place de … temps(s) par jour”.
It is impossible to understand this in French…
It should be something like: “Tous les … jour(s) à … … répété … fois par jour”.Thank you very much in advance.
1) The updates are triggered by a cron job that runs every hour. As your feeds aren’t that big it should not use a lot of resources. Old XML files are overwritten each update. This is required to enable Google to find your feed. Most users update their feed once a day, but it depends a lot on the changes to your products. If your products don’t change at all there is even no need to update the feeds. If your products change every hour (like a price change very hour) than you should update the feed every hour.
2) Could be that you’re browser has cached the feed, so you need to refresh the feed by opening it and then press CNTRL-F5 (browser dependent) to refresh it with a clear cache. I do assume that you do have a short description for that product?
3) That should be the action with which you switch the auto-generation to on. Not everyone wants their feeds to update automatically. So standard every new feed is in a status Ready (manual) and it will not update automatically. Once you select that action (auto-on in English) the feeds status goes to Ready (auto) and it will update automatically based on your settings of the update schedule.
4) Sorry for that. The translations have been done through a third party (I don’t speak French), but we already found that it is very difficult to provide the correct perspective of a word when the translator has no knowledge of feeds and feed generation. I will have a look at it the examples you gave and change them.
Thank you for your answers.
1) OK.
2) You are right. The browser cached the feed and now it’s ok.
3) If I understand correctly. That action should be on for the feed to update according to the update schedule? And if it’s “off” the feed never updates.
4) OK.
New questions:
– Did you see my email concerning the WPML add-on?
– I also have another plugin that makes a feed for the Facebook product catalogue. And in this feed there is also the “checkout URL” for each product, for example:
I don’t see that in the feed generated by your plugin.
Is it normal? Is it something that is not necessary for Google Merchant Center?Thank you very much.
3) Yes, you should have Ready (auto) as the feeds status, than it will auto-update according the update schedule. A status of Read (manual) will only update manually (by using the Regenerate action or by opening it with the Edit action and then press the Generate & Save Feed button.
Yes I received your email and replied on it within a few minutes. But it contains a .zip file so it could be blocked by your spam filter. Please check your spam box and let me know if you didn’t find it.
I never saw that checkout_url being used. I’ve build the feed according the Google Feed Specifications: and they don’t mention that addition. I’m sure it is not necessary as non of our users has ever mentioned it before.
I’ve send you an email with an update that should fix the issue of the missing Short Description. If you didn’t get it, please check your spam filter again.
Let me know if it solved the issue.
Issue fixed through email.
Yes the issue was solved with your email. Thank you very much.
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