The problem is that translated terms are not loading in the correct order when form is displayed outside of admin.
I’ve found a really poor way to fix this.
In you functions.php, paste this :
add_action('acf/enqueue_scripts', 'af_translation_fix', 10, 0);
function af_translation_fix()
// unload
'The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page' => __('The changes you made will be lost if you navigate away from this page', 'acf'),
// media
'Select.verb' => _x('Select', 'verb', 'acf'),
'Edit.verb' => _x('Edit', 'verb', 'acf'),
'Update.verb' => _x('Update', 'verb', 'acf'),
'Uploaded to this post' => __('Uploaded to this post', 'acf'),
'Expand Details' => __('Expand Details', 'acf'),
'Collapse Details' => __('Collapse Details', 'acf'),
'Restricted' => __('Restricted', 'acf'),
'All images' => __('All images', 'acf'),
// validation
'Validation successful' => __('Validation successful', 'acf'),
'Validation failed' => __('Validation failed', 'acf'),
'1 field requires attention' => __('1 field requires attention', 'acf'),
'%d fields require attention' => __('%d fields require attention', 'acf'),
// tooltip
'Are you sure?' => __('Are you sure?','acf'),
'Yes' => __('Yes','acf'),
'No' => __('No','acf'),
'Remove' => __('Remove','acf'),
'Cancel' => __('Cancel','acf'),
// conditions
'Has any value' => __('Has any value', 'acf'),
'Has no value' => __('Has no value', 'acf'),
'Value is equal to' => __('Value is equal to', 'acf'),
'Value is not equal to' => __('Value is not equal to', 'acf'),
'Value matches pattern' => __('Value matches pattern', 'acf'),
'Value contains' => __('Value contains', 'acf'),
'Value is greater than' => __('Value is greater than', 'acf'),
'Value is less than' => __('Value is less than', 'acf'),
'Selection is greater than' => __('Selection is greater than', 'acf'),
'Selection is less than' => __('Selection is less than', 'acf'),
// misc
'Edit field group' => __('Edit field group', 'acf'),