Without a link to your site, I’m guessing on the specifics, but how you can adjust this can depend on how your front page (homepage) is set up–is it a static front page or is it displaying your recent posts? A bug was fixed in 3.1.0–prior to this, the plugin assets were loading on every singular post/page, even when they should not have been.
If your front page is a static front page, that would explain the behavior you’re seeing with 3.1.0, because the plugin is properly not loading the assets if the buttons are not loaded (the plugin can’t tell they’re in a widget area). In this case, you should be able to get the button to display with styling by checking the “Manual” placement option for Pages–the plugin will assume that the assets should load on all pages.
If your front page is set to show your latest posts, then you will need to add a filter to tell the plugin to load the assets. There is an example in the FAQ, because the plugin is not set up to run on archive pages at all.
Based on the fact that it was working with the old version, I think changing the placement setting will solve the display issue for you. If not, please let me know, and include a link to your site so I can suss out the particulars. Thanks!