When I add this to the comma-separated JS optimization exclusion and the aggregate JS is ticked, loading time is reduced greatly because it makes fewer HTTP requests and the pictures do load properly, however, I get a couple of JS errors in the console and lose the arrows which change the pictures, the dots and the slideshow breaks down. When aggregate JS is unticked it works fine but loading time is way worse. Here the JS errors, any clues whether it is possible to make further optimization? Right now the not-working version is online, so that you are able to see the JS errors.
Thank you ??
autoptimize_single_1ea822c0e7e4ea554f3f46fa00684682.php?ver=1061673030:26 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property ‘classList’ of undefined
at Object.hasClass (autoptimize_single_1ea822c0e7e4ea554f3f46fa00684682.php?ver=1061673030:26)
at setRowHeight (autoptimize_single_1ea822c0e7e4ea554f3f46fa00684682.php?ver=1061673030:111)
at autoptimize_single_1ea822c0e7e4ea554f3f46fa00684682.php?ver=1061673030:186
autoptimize_single_4e22e663fde466ae66542c74b2a93fee.php?ver=1061673030:32 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at autoptimize_single_4e22e663fde466ae66542c74b2a93fee.php?ver=1061673030:32
autoptimize_single_c83cd3655cb89a932d1c32888b486efe.php?ver=1061673030:301 Uncaught ReferenceError: jQuery is not defined
at autoptimize_single_c83cd3655cb89a932d1c32888b486efe.php?ver=1061673030:301
(index):1 Unchecked runtime.lastError: The message port closed before a response was received.
autoptimize_single_1ea822c0e7e4ea554f3f46fa00684682.php?ver=1061673030:186 Uncaught ReferenceError: Waypoint is not defined
at autoptimize_single_1ea822c0e7e4ea554f3f46fa00684682.php?ver=1061673030:186