Excuse me @updula While I go off topic for some forum issues. @wpexpertsio replied but isn’t behaving in the way they need to on this site.
@wpexpertsio I’ve archived your reply here and your account still flagged for moderation. That just means that your post will need to be approved and @ notifications from you will not work.
Please do not post your email, do not ask for off forum contact. That’s why your account remains on moderation watch.
Which you’ve ignored and not addressed in anyway. Your account may be banned for that reason if you do not address this.
If you do not want to adhere to the forum guidelines then you can close your plugin on www.ads-software.com. You can contact the plugins team to facilitate that.
If you or anyone need to contact the moderators about this then you can do so via the Slack #forums channel.
To use that channel you need a Slack account. You can obtain one via these instructions.