• Hi,

    Thanks for this plug in. It’s very handy.

    I’m using the role based pricing for a variable product and am seeing some unexpected differences between how the price is displayed when compared to single products.

    I have a product with 2 variations. I have added a role based price for each of the variations.

    When I enter a Regular Price and a Selling Price for the variation, only the Selling Price shows. It does not show the Regular Price crossed out with the Selling Price following. It also doesn’t show the “On Sale” overlay. It does display like this for a single product.

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  • Have you added a regular price and then a selling price (they can be anything…I use regular price = $1.00 and selling price = $.99) in the default Woocommerce regular price and selling price text boxes??


    Thread Starter vorlage


    Hi Dave,

    Thanks for the info.

    For variants, the default Woocommerce regular price and selling price text boxes aren’t available. You have to enter a price for each variant.

    I have only entered a regular price for each variant. The “selling price” is blank as I do not want all customers to have a “selling price”. I’m using the role based price plugin for that.

    Then when you go to the “role based price for WooCommerce Editor”, I select the variant, enable it and add the existing “regular price” and the role specific “selling price”.

    The whehn I view the product page, only the selling price is showing. I have flushed all the caches as well.

    I was expecting the regular price to be shown crossed out. Then the selling price shown after.

    “I have only entered a regular price for each variant. The “selling price” is blank as I do not want all customers to have a “selling price”. I’m using the role based price plugin for that.”

    To fix this, you need to set a regular price and a selling price in each variant. These values can be any value!!
    I just tested this and everything works as expected. First, I went and created a product with 2 variants. In each variant I went and set a regular price ($1.00) and left the selling price blank.
    Then…in the RBP section, for each variant, I go and set a regular price ($5.00) and a selling price ($4.00).

    Then when viewing the product, I can confirm the selling price of $4.00 is the only price showing (there is no price of $5.00 with a line thru it and then the selling price of $4.00.

    Okay – all is good (sort of) to this point.
    Here’s how you fix this issue!!

    You need to set a regular price AND a selling price in the variant pricing fields. These values can be any value you want, just ensure the selling price is less than the regular price. I generally enter $1.00 as a regular price and then $0.99 for a selling price.

    The real magic happens in the RBP regular and selling price text boxes.

    This should resolve your issue of only seeing $4.00 appear for each variant.
    I’d be curious to hear it didn’t fix your issue.


    To follow up to my last post a few minutes ago…when you take your item(s) off sale (when you remove the sale price in RBP selling field), you MUST remove the selling price in the woocommerce selling price field (where mine is $0.99) otherwise you will see your regular price with a line thru it and then the selling price (which will be the same price.) So $5.00 (with a line thru) and then $5.00 again.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs.
    Thread Starter vorlage


    Hi Dave,

    Thanks again, I really appreciate it. You $4 and $5 example is the same behavior as what I see.

    With regards to the variant, I only enter a “regular price”. The “selling price” is always blank because I do not give all users the discounted price.

    When adding a “selling price”, I only want to enter it into the RBP pricing fields for each variant.

    I do this, flush the caches and all that, and I only see the “selling price”.

    This is my test for a product with 2 variants.

    • Create a new variant product
    • Create two variants
    • Regular price of $309.99 entered for both variants
    • go to RBP
    • select variant 1
    • enable RBP
    • enter $308 for “selling price”
    • click “Save price”
    • I see this next to the “Save price” button: WC Product Price : Regular Price : $309.99 | Selling Price : $0.00
    • select variant 2
    • enable RBP
    • enter $307 for “selling price”
    • click “Save price”
    • I see this next to the “Save price” button: WC Product Price : Regular Price : $309.99 | Selling Price : $0.00
    • I log on with relevant account with relevant role
    • I view product
    • product price range is $307-$308
    • select variant 1, variant price shows as $308
    • select variant 2, variant price shows as $307

    It does not show $309.99 crossed out before, for the “product price” nor the “variant price”.

    Some observations:

    You receive slightly different results between refreshing with F5 and CTRL-F5. I’ve used CTRL-F5 every time when commencing the test.

    In RBP, when I add $309.99 as the “regular price” for all variants, the variant price is no longer displayed. If I change one of the “regular price” values to something different (e.g. $309.98), the regular price” is now displayed crossed out.

    The message next to the “Save price” button just looks wrong.

    In the RBP, if you don’t select a variant, there is an “enable RBP” toggle and are pricing fields available. This is confusing as it either should be disabled or hidden until a variant is selected, or apply as an overall price override of all variants per role.

    Hi Vorlage,

    When you put a variant on sale you MUST add a sale price in the variant Selling Price box. It doesn’t matter if you don’t give every role a selling price (you mentioned only some roles receive the sale price). In order for you to see the regular price (with a line thru) and then the sale price, you must have an arbitrary Regular Price and arbitrary Selling Price in the VARIANT price fields. Then, once you have done that, the Regular price and/or Selling price will show for each user role you have set a price for. I hope this is clear?

    Regular Price: $1.00 Selling Price: $0.99

    RBP Price Fields
    Variant 1
    Customer-> Regular Price: $5.00   Selling Price: $4.00
    Subscriber-> Regular Price: $5.00   Selling Price: <blank>
    Author-> Regular Price: 10.00   Selling Price: $5.99

    Variant 2
    Customer-> Regular Price: $5.00   Selling Price: $4.00
    Subscriber-> Regular Price: $5.00   Selling Price: $3.99
    Author-> Regular Price: 10.00   Selling Price: <blank>

    Variant 3
    Customer-> Regular Price: $12.00   Selling Price: <blank>
    Subscriber-> Regular Price: $15.00   Selling Price: <blank>
    Author-> Regular Price: $20.00   Selling Price: <blank>

    **With regards to the Regular and Selling prices I added in RBP, I’m just showing you how you can assign different prices per variant, per role. <blank> means I didn’t put a selling price in the field.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs.
    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs.

    Hope we get this figured out for you.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs.

    Just to reiterate one thing (and maybe clarify): Setting the “Selling Price” field to some value (I use $0.99) is what TRIGGERS the RBP plugin to display the Regular Price and the Selling Price.
    One thing to note: When you have variants, you could see different results based on what your prices are set to. Let me explain:

    Suppose Variant #1 and Variant #2 has a Regular Price of $5.00 and a Selling Price of $4.00 (and assume the same price is across all user roles and all variants. I did not test this but I believe you should see $5.00 with a line thru it and then $4.00 beside it.

    Once you start having different Regular and Selling Prices by variant, you may see the price displayed as $4.00 – $5.00

    If this is still confusing to you, perhaps I can take a screen capture of one of my products to better illustrate what I mean.


    • This reply was modified 5 years, 1 month ago by KissMyLegs. Reason: grammar issue
    Thread Starter vorlage



    I’ve been able to replicate what you’ve described. Thank you.

    The fact that you must add a “Selling Price” to activate the plug-in is a huge risk for us.

    This means you have to enter a RBP for _all_ roles defined.

    If you don’t, the “Selling Price” you’ve added to activate the RBP will display by default for roles that have not been defined in the RBP.

    The admin overhead to enter all this is huge. And risky.

    As an example, I log in as admin and there are no admin RBTs defined. Therefore I see the “Selling Price” thats been entered to activate the plug-in.

    Another thing, if you enter into the RBP the same “Regular Price” as the variant and a “Selling Price”, it only displays the “Selling Price”. It doesn’t display the crossed out “Regular Price” and the “Selling Price”

    Example 1:
    Regular: $5.00
    Selling: <empty>

    RBT variant
    Regular: $5.00
    Selling: $4.00

    Displays as “$4.00”

    Example 2:
    Regular: $5.00
    Selling: <empty>

    RBT variant
    Regular: $4.99
    Selling: $4.00

    Displays as “$4.99 $4.00″

    I was expecting the plugin to identify if the user has a RBT price defined for their role. If so, display it. If not, don’t.

    Anyway, thanks. We’ll look for another option.

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