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  • Moderator bcworkz


    It’s the same answer. Any domains you wish to go to the same place as your primary domain should be added as domain aliases. WP will figure out what to do from there.

    Please do not @ reference members who have not already participated in the current topic. These forums are not for seeking personalized service. @ referencing members who are not actively participating is really a form of spamming, or at least amounts to notification abuse. We know that was not your intention, but for active members like George, personal pings can become just as annoying as spam.

    Also, for everyone’s safety, please do not ask for any form of off-forum contact such as through social links. We realize you asked in an earlier topic out of complete innocence, but such practices have resulted in abusive behavior by others. You’re not in any kind of trouble here as long as these practices do not continue. Your account here remains in good standing. Your understanding would be appreciated.

    Thread Starter Ana


    Hi @bcworkz

    Thank you for letting me know about these rules.

    Thread Starter Ana


    How could I remove the social link from old thread?

    Moderator bcworkz


    I had already removed the link in your related topic with George. I should have told you that and neglected to. We’re not particularly concerned with months old posts. But if you know off hand which topics have links and you care to link to the specific replies I can edit them if they are not so old as to be closed. The post’s time stamp links directly to the specific post.

    Thank you for cooperating with our guidelines.

    Thread Starter Ana


    Can you pleasse remove my site link from this?
    Its showing seo problems

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