Hi @dimath99,
Sorry for the late reply. Hopefully I’ve managed to find a solution.
Please update the plugin to v1.7.2. After that, please go to plugin’s “General” settings and disable newly added “Raw” input option checkbox (in “WooCommerce > Settings > Product XML Feeds > General > Advanced Options”).
Now feed’s settings should be saving normally, however, it will now remove all HTML tags from “Template Options”. To solve this, you now need to replace all <
and >
with {
and }
in “Template Options”. For example, for the default settings, you would enter:
XML header
{?xml version = "1.0" encoding = "utf-8" ?}
{title}{![CDATA[ Products Feed ]]}{/title}
XML item
{name}[alg_product_name cdata="yes"]{/name}
{short_description}[alg_product_short_description cdata="yes"]{/short_description}
{image_url}[alg_product_image_url image_size="full"]{/image_url}
[alg_product_gallery_image_url image_nr="1" before="{image_url_1}" after="{/image_url_1}"]
{total_sales}[alg_product_meta name="total_sales"]{/total_sales}
XML footer
Please let me know if it’s working correctly now.