• Hello everyone,
    I decided to write in the forums since I couldn’t resolve my problem on my own. I have a massive problem with my functions.php file(line 5700) and now I can’t even use my site. I am not sure if the problem is only from this file but all errors point to it
    https://snipboard.io/PzMfNG.jpg-functions.php 5700
    https://snipboard.io/OuF1Ts.jpg-error codes on dashboard pages
    https://snipboard.io/wtWOJQ.jpg( sorry but error codes aren’t whole in the dashboard
    I am attaching some screenshots of the plugins dashboard and themes. I can’t install plugins too, both ways.
    I am also attaching error codes of today-https://textsaver.flap.tv/lists/2zi6

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by kiko12122.
    • This topic was modified 5 years, 3 months ago by kiko12122.
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  • Some details of what happened would be useful. What exactly are you experiencing, and what’s the last thing you did before problems occurred ?

    Also – hyperlinks to your screenshots are incorrect; they should be:


    That being said …


    Replace the functions.php file with a backup version that worked (if you have one). If you don’t have a backup

    1. Make a copy of your current functions.php file as a backup
    2. Delete your current functions.php or rename it to e.g. functions-old.php
    3. Download a copy of the theme you are using
    4. Unzip the file and copy the functions.php file from the theme download
    5. Upload the functions.php file copied from the theme

    Note that hat will wipe out any customizations you have made.


    I can see 2 potential problems with the code in line 5700

    1. First parameter supplied is $fp. I’m guessing it should be $file.
    2. The second parameter has to resolve to an integer value. I think you are trying to multiply the WP constant KB_IN_BYTES by 8 – if that’s the case then KB_IN_BYTES should not be in quotes.

    If I’m right, than line 5700 should be

    $file_data = fread( $file, 8 * KB_IN_BYTES );

    The advice above assumes that the file is from the theme, which it is obvious that it is not (it is a WordPress core file).
    Whenever errors are reported from core files, it is usually the parameters being passed are not what are expected, so it is a theme or plugin issue, but it shows as happening in a core WP file.
    It sounds like you can still access the admin area, so you can try to reinstall WP (go to Updates page and click Reinstall), or try disabling plugins. You can disable all plugins by renaming the plugins folder with FTP.

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