Hi all,
Sorry to hear about the timezone issues.
Our recommendation is to set your WordPress time zone under Settings > General to a city-based time zone, like ‘Los Angeles’ and not UTC based.
If you have it UTC based you will likely have issues when DST comes. The city based timezone accounts for that automatically.
The second piece of the puzzle is the timezone you set for the event itself. That, also should be city based and not UTC based.
And the third important setting is under Events > Settings > General tab > Time Zone Settings > Time zone mode. This will impact at what time the event will show up on the website.
WP time zone: Los Angeles
Event time zone & time: Zürich 10am
If you are using site-wide
time zone, then on the front-end the event will show up at 1am LA time. (LA is the site-wide timezone and the event time will be recalculated.)
If you are using manual
time zone, then on the front-end the event will show up at 10am. (In this case enabling the Show time zone
setting is also recommended so the visitors see that it is 10am Zurich/Europe time.)
I hope this clarifies this part a bit.
It is still also worth looking into the issue I flagged earlier.
A lot of users have already reported back to us that they found the source of the issue and once they deactivated the respective plugin (I didn’t see a case where it would have been The Events Calendar) or the theme, the issue got solved.
Hope this helps.