i read https://codex.www.ads-software.com/Plugin_API/Action_Reference and there are Blogroll Actions like:
Runs when a new blogroll link is first added to the database. Action function arguments: link ID.
Runs when a blogroll link is deleted. Action function arguments: link ID.
Runs when a blogroll link is edited. Action function arguments: link ID.
can you add those to wp-super-cache?
i checked wp-cache-phase2.php which contains this function:
`if(function_exists(‘add_action’) && ( !defined( ‘WPLOCKDOWN’ ) || ( defined( ‘WPLOCKDOWN’ ) && constant( ‘WPLOCKDOWN’ ) == ‘0’ ) ) ) {
// Post ID is received
add_action(‘publish_post’, ‘wp_cache_post_edit’, 0);
add_action(‘edit_post’, ‘wp_cache_post_change’, 0); // leaving a comment called edit_post
add_action(‘delete_post’, ‘wp_cache_post_edit’, 0);
add_action(‘publish_phone’, ‘wp_cache_post_edit’, 0);
// Coment ID is received
add_action(‘trackback_post’, ‘wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment’, 99);
add_action(‘pingback_post’, ‘wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment’, 99);
add_action(‘comment_post’, ‘wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment’, 99);
add_action(‘edit_comment’, ‘wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment’, 99);
add_action(‘wp_set_comment_status’, ‘wp_cache_get_postid_from_comment’, 99);
// No post_id is available
add_action(‘delete_comment’, ‘wp_cache_no_postid’, 99);
add_action(‘switch_theme’, ‘wp_cache_no_postid’, 99);
add_action(‘edit_user_profile_update’, ‘wp_cache_no_postid’, 99);
do_cacheaction( ‘add_cacheaction’ );
i hope you can add ADD, EDIT or DELETE hook to this function. just need to show the link on the homepage without clearing the whole cache.