• I admit to being a newbie, when it comes to php. I’m even not all that experienced with html, xhtml, and css. But I get along.

    I’m trying to inject some html code in my theme. The code is for tracking my traffic; and the folks who gave me the snippet of code say it should be placed as close to the <body> tag as possible, but at least between the <body> tag and the </body> tag on the main WordPress page.

    I’ve been give to believe that the firt <body> tag is on the header template. And, if not, it should likely be on the main index or the page template.

    In any case, when I go to any of those templates (through the WordPress theme edit function, I get stuff that’s totally unfamiliar and has no meaning for me. I don’t see a line of php, much less html. So I don’t even know what I’m looking at.

    Here’s what I see for the page template, for example:

    vti_timelastmodified:TR|02 Feb 2009 20:29:47 -0000
    vti_cacheddtm:TX|02 Feb 2009 20:29:47 -0000

    BTW, I’m using a iNove for my theme (and like it a lot).


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  • that is the wrong folder

    look in /wp-content/themes/inove/header.php

    or you can do it from the wordpress dashboard
    by clicking on Appearance – then Editor

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