• Hi, I have added a captcha v3 to a site and according to the doc https://contactform7.com/recaptcha/ you don’t need to add any recaptcha tags/shortcodes to the forms since its invisible. However we’ve gotten even more emails this past week so I compared some sites that we have added the v3 captcha to and this current site and there are no references to captcha at all or even the captcha tag thats sticky on the side. It doesn’t seem like the repcaptcha was added at all. The other sites using v3 were implemented with Gravity Forms and that worked just fine. Do you guys have any ideas whats going on? Also I dont want to share any details of the site I’m working on in a public forum. Please get in contact with me privately if you want to discuss that portion, thank you.

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  • I am also having similar issue. I have generated reCAPTCHA v3 from Google and have setup integration part on wordpress but no Captcha symbols is showing on the website. Please help

    If you’ve registered correctly for reCAPTCHA v3 & it’s working, you should see the reCAPTCHA Privacy badge displayed at the bottom of every page on your site (not just the pages where you’ve got CF7 forms).


    If the reCAPTCHA badge is not showing, this shows that reCAPTCHA v3 is not working on your site.

    @ymian – see I have the same problem! Can I just reply to someone else’s post with “Me too”?.

    If you are willing to create a new question, which details your issues, somebody will likely be able to help you there.

    I have also had this issue for the past 3 weeks on multiple sites. All of the sites are running the latest WP and Contact Form 7. I have even dropped in twenty twenty theme to confirm it isn’t the theme… Private keys are v3… In chrome the following error comes up in the console:

    Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined at (index):619

    I have done a bit of looking around forums etc and they are all saying this issue has been occuring since about the 19/11/2019 which was roughly since the last update was released..

    When a user tries to submit a form on any site with this issue they get the following message:

    There was an error trying to send your message. Please try again later.

    which as we know is the default response message. Either way a fix for this would be great.

    Yes, this is getting a bit ridiculous that this plugin is broken again and my customers cannot contact me. You have got to re-enable v2 if you can’t keep this working. Like Nultz above, I am getting a few errors in the console…

    Uncaught ReferenceError: grecaptcha is not defined
    at (index):2171

    multiple occurences of:
    ?v=2.0:6 WebSocket connection to ‘wss://public-api.wordpress.com/pinghub/wpcom/me/newest-note-data’ failed: Error during WebSocket handshake: Unexpected response code: 403

    The recaptcha badge is showing in bottom right corner of all my site pages and verified using v3 keys.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by meloyelo51.

    I apologize as it’s easy to blame the plugin, and cannot edit my previous post…

    I have been digging into this for a while tonight, and have also since started my own thread which I will copy there.

    I am curious though…those of you having the issue… are you also using any css/java optimization plugins? Poking around, I think I may have fixed my issue where atleast a few test messages are going through now.

    Deleting the plugin and reinstalling did not help.
    After I reinstalled, I noticed it pulled the v2 keys automatically, so I changed to v3 again…same issue.
    I tried using v3 keys in the wordpress recaptcha plugin, but that doesn’t work (invalid key type) and had to go back to v2 so as not to break other forms on my page.

    I then disabled my “Async JavaScript” plugin which was using the defer method for java script optimization.

    I am leaning towards the latter fixing the issue, but my site uses CDN servers, and sometimes there is lag between updates replicating and browser cache etc…so I am wondering if this info helps anyone else in testing, and if so, could the developer chime in to suggest proper exclusion settings for that plugin

    @nultz – as CF7 has 5+ million active installs, you will usually see examples in this forum of other people having the same (or similar) problem as you most days. While it’s easy to conclude this means CF7 has a bug, it’s almost always not correct.

    Any problems you are having are likely due to specific issues on your particular WordPress website.

    @meloyelo51 – it’s not appropriate to confuse @jonyants original question by answering your later more detailed questions here.

    I’m adding this comment here so that other people having similar problems will hopefully consider that there are simple solutions to their particular problems.

    @buzztone – I know how many installs CF7 has and I build over 40 WordPress based sites each year. This problem was certainly not happening before the last update was released for CF7. I had another site which was running the previous version of CF7 that I manually updated and sure enough, like clock work, after the CF7 update was done it failed.

    @meloyelo51 – I am not running any optimization plugins on the site in question. There is still no solution by the sounds of it.



    Just a quick update – I have managed to get the recaptcha v3 to work again. The issue seems to have been a corrupted file in the update we had pulled down. We removed the plugin reinstalled it for a 3rd time (just tonight) and it has worked.

    I tested on a new site I am working on and it failed on there due to a defer statement in the recaptcha script tag.

    @meloyelo51 it appears that async and defer also causes errors so probably good to keep that in mind for future sites you are working on ??

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