• Howdy… have a look at the source of this page:


    (Or any of my article pages on this blog for that matter)

    There’s a huge amount of junk in the <link…> tags. One that’s really puzzling me is “<link rel=’start’…’> And the two that follow which have URLs of other posts. I’m guessing this is some kind of data to show the next and previous posts, or the oldest post of all?

    I don’t really have any need for this, can i get rid of it? How? Will doing so speed up the loading of the page by cutting that clutter? Any other stuff in there like junk?


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  • i am pretty sure these refer to the location of the page. so for example ‘start’ is the location of the home of these groups of pages. for more information you can read this – https://www.w3.org/TR/html401/struct/links.html.

    You can remove them if you want, i don’t use start, index, prev, next on my sites although it will not be effecting the speed of your site.

    the main things which will effect the speed of the page is javascript and images.

    hope ths helps.


    Thread Starter nickaster


    Hey thanks… what do you mean by “groups of pages” How did this page become a part of a group? Does it have any benefit?

    Also, how can I remove this stuff? It seems to be generated only by this:

    <?php wp_head(); ?>

    How can I change the stuff that’s in that variable? Do I want to?


    Thread Starter nickaster


    Hey Dave – is there any good reason to have that stuff there? How would I remove it?

    Re: removing wp-head, see this thread.

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