@wproyal You don’t need to sign your posts (and the forum guidelines ask you not)
All modern themes and plugins include FontAwsome
No they don’t. I review plugins, not even a fourth do.
And also, if this theme and other themes and plugins (using FontAwsome) are “Not GDPR compliant” why are they still available on wp.org?
Because, as I said, they COULD be a violation.
Allow me to quote myself:
So. Is it a GDPR violation? Sure could be.
Bolded the important bit there. It’s a maybe, and depends on context. Which you just provided:
P.S. We need to include all FontAwesome because the theme has Icon Select options in Customizer.
Now what this means is the font is a requirement of your plugin, and that means you should, wait for it, properly disclose the requirements in the readme so people can know what 3rd party services are required.
So. Go make sure your readme is VERY CLEAR about that, and you should be fine.
I’m not a lawyer, though, and neither are you, so I’d recommend hiring one if this becomes a larger concern.