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  • Hi Cezar,

    Sorry for the issues with your categories. The permalinks format you’re showing differ from the URLs you put in the post. This is because the Categories won’t be using the permalink format (only your posts and pages). We don’t have enough information to isolate the cause of your issues, but I can name few possibilities:

    • I’ve seen category pages NOT appear when they don’t have any posts assigned to them. They appear normally if you have at least one post assigned to the category. If your URLs are category links, please try assigning a post and testing.
    • Another possibility is that the .htaccess affecting your site is in a folder above your WordPress installation folder. Though, this only going to happen if you didn’t install your site to your document root.
    • Make sure that you don’t have another plugin setup – like a maintenance mode plugin – that is preventing proper access and causing the redirect.

    When I try to visit your med-spa specials page, I’m immediately re-directed to the home page. So something is redirecting your URL. My money would be on an .htaccess file that you’re just not seeing, but it’s hard to tell without actually seeing your installation.

    Also, it appears you’re using “category” as a base for your Category URLs. You can shorten your URLs by simply using the default period (“.”) in the Category section of the permalinks page. You don’t have to do this, but it helps to keep things simple and short when you’re sorting out a site issue.

    Apologies if this isn’t of any help. I hope it touches on the issue your having and leads you to a resolution.

    Regards and Happy New Year!
    Arnel C.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 2 months ago by Arnel C..
    Thread Starter Cezar Ayran


    Hi there,

    For your information. Those links are in my Post Category page under WP Admin. This is my htaccess in the View link. This category has 2 posts

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    Thread Starter Cezar Ayran


    Anyone? :/

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