I have been trying to use tweetable on my wordpress, but got stuck with the https://twitter.com/oauth/authorize?oauth_token= problem.
I checked like 20 times, and reinstalled plugin 10+ times, but always same problem
So i checked your code and started debugging. Seems that the library you use, Twitter OAuth has some problems on some hosts. I downloaded from git the latest version and tested it here:
As you can see is same problem.
So, I checked for alternatives, and found this one that is more active mantained
Is running out-of-the-box here
Since seems i’m not the only one with the problem, and that the problem is from the library itself, you think is possible you redo your library using *EpiOAuth *intead?
If you plan to do it, well, me and many users will be happy, since your plugin rocks. If not, well, then i will stop dreaming and move to something not so cool, like Twitter Tools.
Anyway, I just wanted to let you know that the problem may be for the library itself, and not only because of incorrect setup ??