1. Test: Disable all things. No title. No image. No custom fields. No “options” section. Save. Refresh: Nothing to see from item as expected. Markup for block wrapper, grid and item present. Inside the item an empty p.ptam-block-post-grid-excerpt tag.
2. Test: Enable Title. Save. Refresh: Title shows up ??. Inside the item an empty p.ptam-block-post-grid-excerpt tag.
3. Test: Enable custom field section. No content in textarea. Safe. Refresh: No div.ptam-block-post-custom-fields shows up ??. Empty div.ptam-block-post-grid-byline and empty p.ptam-block-post-grid-excerpt.
4. Test: Add test inside textarea for custom fields. Save. Refresh: div.ptam-block-post-custom-fields is shown with text inside ??. Empty div.ptam-block-post-grid-byline and empty p.ptam-block-post-grid-excerpt.
I know I’m very picky ??