I was having similar browser freezing. I was using YARPP from day one with on issues. I was also using a small number of posts/tags/categories (less then 50 posts). I used a wordpress import/export file to import a large number of posts/tags/categories (2K posts/4.5K tags/50 categories) and at the same time upgraded from 3.1.6 to 3.1.7. I started experiencing long wait times when attempting to edit a post and always failing when trying to delete groups of posts (select a full page of posts to trash).
I started looking a the linux server (Centos 5.4) using top and would see mysqld max out (100%) the cpu and not come back before the browser would timeout. I downgraded YARPP to the previous version (3.1.6) with no change in behavior. I then went through and deactivated all of my plugins. Now the same functions I tried (edit/delete) worked fine (as I expected). I then started reactivating my plugins one-by-one. Non problems with any of the plugins until I reactivated YARPP (3.1.6)…same mysqld pegging the cpu. I upgraded to 3.1.7 (just to verify that it wasn’t a version issue) and it pegged the cpu as well. I then deactivated YARPP and mysqld behaved fine.
I read this post and took the suggestion to turn off the “consider tags” option, activated YARPP (3.1.7) and all worked fine…cpu was not pegged by mysqld.
One other note…this all started because of the slow response I noticed with wordpress. I attempted to tune the database by using the following params in my.cnf. The params are based on suggestions from mysqltuner.pl (a mysql tuner analysis script):
# mysqltuner recommendations
query_cache_size = 128M
query_cache_limit = 16M
tmp_table_size = 128M
key_buffer_size = 128M
max_heap_table_size = 32M
thread_cache_size = 8
table_cache = 512
These params didn’t appear to make a difference one way or another in the cpu maxing out when using YARPP with large number of tags.
I was using 1GB of RAM and 1 CPU in a VMWare VServer 1.x environment when I started. I bumped up the RAM to 2GB and 2 CPUs with not difference in mysqld’s behavior (except now I could suck up more then 100% of the CPUs).
I hope this helps with tuning YARPP to handle large number of tags. It is an awesome add on and saves a lot of work with find related posts, something that I did in the old system by hand.
One other item of info…I am using WordPress 2.9.2. This the version I have always used with YARPP. I just started using WordPress about a month ago and love it.