Marking with the line is done.
National League, line in “blue”.
<script type = “text / javascript”>
window.addEventListener (‘load’, function () {
???? console.log (‘DOM fully loaded and parsed’);
??? const tds = document.querySelectorAll (‘body.player-template-default.single.single-player table.dataTable.visualizer-data-table tbody> tr> td’);
???? for (var i = 0; i <tds.length; i ++) {
???????? if (tds [i] .innerText === ‘W’) tds [i] .parentElement.style.backgroundColor = ‘# 9ed7b6’;
???????? else if (tds [i] .innerText === ‘L’) tds [i] .parentElement.style.backgroundColor = ‘# f4a6a6’;
???????? else if (tds [i] .innerText === ‘D’) tds [i] .parentElement.style.backgroundColor = ‘# f4dda6’;
???????? else if (tds [i] .innerText === ‘Total’) tds [i] .parentElement.style.backgroundColor = ‘# a6d4f4’;
???? }
</ Script>
I just want the line “Total” to appear in bold in the code.