• V porovnání verzí uvádějí u free verze mo?nost importu demo dat na jeden klik, ale XML soubor nikde nemají k dispozici.

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  • Theme Author thememattic


    Hi @jarekjesensky

    We’ve recently removed the “one-click demo Import” feature from all our WordPress Themes.

    www.ads-software.com now restricts Theme authors to include XML files on themes. For more info

    I hope you reconsider your review ratings.


    Thread Starter jarekjesensky


    Děkuji Vám za odpově?, ale vy po?ád na svém webu v popisu uvádíte nepravdivou informaci, ?e import demo dat na jeden klik umí i va?e free verze.

    Theme Author thememattic


    Hi @jarekjesensky

    Thank you again for your reply. We’re using Google Translation to understand your queries.

    As explained earlier, this feature is removed on the latest version due to the requirement set by the WordPress Theme Review Team.

    As pointed by you, we’ve now removed this feature from our compare list on our theme detail page.

    But I totally understand how you’re felling, there’s no need to change the review if you’re not feeling it. Thank you for trying our theme, hope you find one that meets your needs.


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