• I posted earlier about a problem with my blog (https://www.promohthree.com/) and it’s gotten worse. Before, the comments portion of each post wasn’t showing up, now I can’t even access each post, only the index page.

    So, I just want to start from scratch with WordPress 1.2.2 (I had 1.2, then went to 1.5 and problems occurred after that, so I tried to go to 1.2.2 and things got worse).

    So, unless someone can figure out what’s going on with my site currently, I was wondering what I could do next. I exported my database through Cpanel and through phpMyAdmin. I’d like to just start over as long as I can recover my posts. I could care less about previous settings, layouts, etc.

    Anyone know what I can do?

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  • Okay, here’s an important question regarding your database. Did you back up your database PRIOR to upgrading to 1.5? If you didn’t then you have problems.

    Thread Starter promohthree


    I backed up from my cPanel prior to updating to 1.5. I backed up from phpMyAdmin after 1.5.

    Moderator James Huff


    Good thing that you backed up before v1.5. Now, all you have to do is upload your v1.2.2 files, and restore your pre-v1.5 database.

    Thread Starter promohthree


    Update: I just created a new database, and imported the .gz backup into it. I am going to create a new folder with a new WP and hopefully get this running.

    Of course, I may be wrong in doing this (which is why I am doing it in a new folder) so if any of you have suggestions about what else I can do, I’d appreciate it.

    Thread Starter promohthree


    Macmanx: I actually had a 1.2 (older) version of WordPress before I backed up. Do I need to find that version first, or can I go straight to 1.2.2?

    Thread Starter promohthree


    I tried it and I get the same problem. It’s recognizing the index page, but no links. I even tried it with an old database from an old blog, and I get the same problem. Here’s the link:


    Thread Starter promohthree


    OK, that testing section was taken down. What else can I do? For your reference, what I just did was:

    1. Moved back-up of database into a new database.
    2. Created a new folder for wordpress, made wp-config.php look for the new database.
    3. Uploaded WP 1.2.
    4. Accessed index, which showed up as just text on a white background. Couldn’t access any other posts or links.

    was that old db for your testing directory?

    Moderator James Huff


    Is everything exactly where it was when you ran v1.2? If so, then run upgrade.php (/wp-admin/upgrade.php).

    Thread Starter promohthree


    Nothing WordPress-related is currently on my server except for three databases (an old one for my first blog, the second one is the blog that got screwed up, and the third is the back-up).

    So, should I upload a version of WordPress and install it? Upload and upgrade? If so, what version? I’m not very skilled, so if anyone could give me a basic step-by-step, I’d appreciate it.

    Moderator James Huff


    Download WP v1.2.2, link wp-congif.php to your database that has the backup, follow the upgrade instructions.

    Thread Starter promohthree


    OK, I opened up wp-config.php in 1.2.2 and linked it to the database with the back-up. I then uploaded 1.2.2 to my webspace. I then accessed the upgrade link, upgraded, and went to my site:


    It has the index, but clicking on headlines and comments leads me to 404s still. When I log in, I can still see my old posts and edit them and such. So the info is still there, but the blog links aren’t working properly.

    Any ideas?

    Also, I’d like to thank all of you for your help thus far. It’s been very calming for me, since this problem has frustrated me.

    Moderator James Huff


    You don’t have the .htaccess file from when you created permalinks before. Login to WP, go to Options/Permalinks, recreate your permalink structure with a structure of:
    and add the relevent data that is returned to you into a text file, save it as “htaccess”, upload it to your wordpress directory, and add a ‘.’ in front of the name. Your post links should work after that.

    Here’s the tutorial for that:
    Remember, your structure is:

    Thread Starter promohthree


    Oh, I could kiss you! Thank you so much!

    Thread Starter promohthree


    Also, there was already an .htaccess file in my space. I deleted it and put up what you told me to do. Looks like it works fine, but just wanted to mention it.

    Thanks again!

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