Hi there from the Swedish translation team.
WordPress translations are driven by volunteer contributions (just like WordPress itself).
If the “Stable plugin” project reaches at least 95% translated and approved strings, then a language pack will be generated and distributed via the “update” admin page. You’re very welcome to participate. There’s lot of useful information on how the Swedish translation team works and communicates, and also important language/translation stuff to keep in mind at https://wpsv.se/engagera-dig/stilguide-for-oversattningar/
However, if you just want a few strings on your site to be in Swedish, then you can look at:
– “Loco translate” plugin
– “Say What” plugin
– Poedit (separate software)
… or you could make sure that the strings you need are translated and then either use plugin “Force Update Translations” or export the plugin translation in .mo format, change the file name to wp-job-manager-sv_SE.mo
and upload it to /wp-content/languages/plugins/