@mikemackechnie – Appreciate the feedback. On your 2 points:
1. Can definitely understand that pain point, on the flip side, not sure if you have considered what it takes to make our plugin’s click trigger functionality work with any element on any WP site given the infinite ways that element could be generated (themes, plugins etc) across 400k websites.
– https://docs.wppopupmaker.com/article/395-trigger-click-open-overview-methods
So we offer 5+ methods to allow users to integrate our popups with any element, not much we can do at the moment to simplify that, but we are working on it and always open to new ideas.
For example the next version will already include a new Popup trigger button on the gutenberg text editor toolbar (like bold & insert link etc). Also options to make entire blocks a trigger there.
We can only simplify so much though due to the sheer complexity of the WP ecosystem at large.
2. Cookies are not added by default as you mentioned. You would have to check the box when adding your trigger to explicitly create one, or click the Add Cookie button. Unless you set it up, no cookies exist at all. You can easily confirm this on a fresh install adding a new popup, or simply by looking at the dozens if not hundreds of support tickets where users want to know how to make the popup not show up every time (because they had yet to add a cookie).
One of those is a bit out of our control, and I’m not sure where the confusion on cookies came from, though I’m happy to dig in via a support ticket. If you agree with that sentiment, would love to get you to update your review with the extra star.
As always keep the feedback coming, feel free to submit it to us directly.