Is it that mobile users are submitting forms up to 15 times, are you receiving up to 15 email notifications from the same submission? I am assuming it may be the latter.
I checked Jetpack Debug and I am receiving a connection error:
The Debugger shows the following Message: Could not validate security token.
This could be potentially contributing to the issue.
Would you be able to try the following exact steps for me for a completely fresh reinstallation?
- From the wp-admin dashboard of your site, please go to Jetpack > Dashboard > Connections > Manage site connection from your left-hand menu.
- Click the “Disconnect” button. If it’s already disconnected, you can skip to the next step.
- Deactivate your Jetpack plugin by heading to Plugins > Installed Plugins and finding “Jetpack by”
- Completely uninstall Jetpack.
- Reinstall the newest version of Jetpack.
- Deactivate all of your plugins.
- Activate only Jetpack.
- Back in Jetpack > Dashboard > Connections > Manage site connection, Click the “Set up Jetpack” button and continue through the approval process.
Please let me know the results of this troubleshooting and we can go from there. Thanks!