• ramsaybolton



    i downloaded a Plugin in WordPress which should behave like a normal post. I found out, that the Body Class in HTML is different compared to the normal posts.
    Is it possible to change it in Source-Code, that the Plugin Custom Post Type gets the same Template as the Normal post? Or is it possible to say, that this plugin should get the same body class as the normals posts?

    Body Class of normal Post : “post-template-default single single-post postid-12582 single-format-standard logged-in admin-bar header-horizontal site-layout-full elementor-default elementor-kit-12838 elementor-page elementor-page-12582 customize-support”

    Body Class of Custom Post as Plugin: “einsatz-template-default single single-einsatz postid-12733 logged-in admin-bar header-horizontal site-layout-full elementor-default elementor-kit-12838 elementor-page elementor-page-12733 customize-support”

    im looking forward to hearing from you ??

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  • Theme Author apollo13themes


    Hello ??

    This is a question to that plugin author I suppose, not to us.
    I believe there could be some hook that you could write a function for, that would add “normal post” classes.

    With kind regards.

    Thread Starter ramsaybolton



    the plugin author says, that the Theme-Designers should help to integrate this to my theme.
    It’s necessary to have another post-type.

    Maybe its possible to change it in the Theme at any place?

    Best regards

    Theme Author apollo13themes


    Hey ??

    Sure, I would love our theme to be compatible with any plugin out there, however, I don’t have time to do such a thing.


    With kind regards.

    Thread Starter ramsaybolton


    Is it possible that you integrate this for a donation? My Website is finished, but the only thing that doesn’t work are this custom posts. I don’t want to use another Theme and start from zero.

    Kind regards.

    Theme Author apollo13themes


    Hey there ??

    Sorry, but even 1000$ donation would not help, as I simply don’t have time for this ?? I have even less time now in those “crazy Virus” times.
    However, I am sure there are hundreds of developers, that would love to do such custom work for you.

    Sorry that I can not help you with this.

    With kind regards.

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