The ‘1’ in import and settings can be disregarded. It has been my experience that it is just to catch our attention to having a ssl-certificate, making your site secure. This ‘secure’ is nothing to worry about right away and if you do want to go with that, you will have to fork up the annual costs for it. GoDaddy’s certificates are for 2 years and cost 199 USD per year so it is quite expensive. If you want that, it will have to be part of your hosting plan (if you want it, watch out for special sales).
Are you on a WordPress hosting site, or is you site hosted and do you use WordPress as an application to create you content?
I will leave the possible technical side of your issue to the plugin people. But I wonder about one thing. When you are in the Import and Settings section, in the right sidebar of the screen, there is a paragraph that says:
“Your public meetings page is right here. Link that page from your site’s nav menu to make it visible to the public.”
Click on the ‘here’ to see if the meetings appear as published page.
If this runs well, then the plugin is doing what it is supposed to do. Copy the address of the page from the browser address box while you are there.
In your website, you then need to make sure that there is something (a button or a menu chapter) that links to the meeting page. So if you have a main navigation menu in your WordPress theme, in the Dashboard, from the black sidebar at the left, look for Appearance>Menus and check that there is a menu item that connects to the meetings page.
There should be an item called ‘Meetings’ in the left part of the Menu overview and you can drag it into the active menu. Save the menu. Then go back to your published page and see if you can locate the meetings now.
Maybe you already know all of the above – but just in case you are new to WordPress and websites: it might be something that guides you to a solution.
Good luck!