Hello @vortex0965,
Your code is correct, I think the path is wrong.
So you should make sure to create a right directory on your child theme or theme.
Go to theme or child theme directory.
1- Create a folder “webnus”
Now go to the folder
2- Create a folder for MEC
MEC Pro = “modern-events-calendar”
MEC Lite = “modern-events-calendar-lite”
Now go to the folder
3- Create a folder “app”
Now go to the folder
4- Create a folder “skins”
Now go to the folder
5- Create a folder “tile”
Now go to the folder
6- Put your render.php file
Now head over to WordPress Dashboard > M.E. Calendar > Shortcode
Create a new shortcode for the Tile view: https://webnus.net/dox/modern-events-calendar/making-advance-shortcodes-in-modern-event-calendar/ and use it on your desired page.
What I tested, worked correctly.
Reference: https://webnus.net/dox/modern-events-calendar/overriding-mec-shortcodes-skin/
Warm Regards