• I know it’s probably an error on my part, but haven’t found an answer yet.
    Every time I install and config a new WP site on XAMPP on a local workstation, I cannot get the install routine to run


    I use ‘root’ as the database user.
    I think it’s quite a security risk to use ‘root’ given the site will get transferred to a live hosting site, so I’d prefer to not use it. I’ve been using WP for about 15 years, and haven’t had this issue until the last year or so. I’ve quadruple-checked my wp-config file, my mysql permissions assignments, passwords, everything I can think of, including restarting apache.
    Any ideas what I’m doing wrong???
    Thanks in advance.

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  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    As long as you’re running locally, it doesn’t matter. When you move your site to a host, you’ll create a new DB user there as part of the setup process and modify your wp-config.php file accordingly.

    Thread Starter WebAuthor5555


    Thank you.
    It’s been one of those irritating situations that doesn’t stop production; just becomes a to-do-list hanger-on.
    Thanks again.

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