Hi @maksimkuzmin,
Damn, it excites me when people are into the project, hard to say no to anything ??
First, lemme address issues transitioning to V7. Definitely different and even for new users, it’s way less intuitive, no “Start now” button, like in 6. In this last week, though, I’ve spent quite a bit of time updating the docs – if you start at the homepage, you can follow links to the 5 core concepts, how they work and how to configure:
– URL Detection
– Crawling
– Post-processing
– Deploying
– Jobs
In hindsight, “Jobs” may have been better as “Tasks”, anyway… I’d love if you took another look, maybe after official release.
Re maintaining a fork of V6 – let me think about it some more… I’ve also been wanting to maintain a fork of Simply Static, so along the same lines.
Of course, there’s nothing to stop you sharing/rebranding your own fork as you like – it’s under The Unlicense, so no copyright issues and I would be more supportive than blocking to have more solutions out there. Bi-directional code-sharing could help both projects.
I just don’t want to promise anything right now, as I want to focus on V7 and still have a lot to do.
Code maintenance is one aspect, but user support can be a large time consumption, too.
Because there is such a difference in functionality/behaviour between 6 and 7, I’d like to avoid supporting 2x the products once V7 is out.
Anyway, will keep thinking on things and thanks so much for your interest in it all, it really gives me a boost!
Re a headless-browser solution, I’d love to see that, too! Biggest blocker until now in my mind, was not having control over the user’s environment to install anything. So a few options come to mind: 1) offer optimized dev server hosting 2) do it as a SaaS 3) optional add-on that requires headless browser available in environment. How do you see it working in an ideal situation?