@neof1960: Definitely. Do use the “translate” option!
You can also use those same rules in Album titles, and even in tags, meaning that you could have 2 sets of tag clouds, one for each language.
Luckily there is even an option to change all tags globally in Table VIII-B14 where you could introduce your translated tags.
The Polylang plugin works fine in this combination, albeit that Jacob would argue more in favour of qTranslate-x (an updated version of qtranslate). He would say that Polylang is not suitable to make album and photo names and descriptions multilingual, because it is not database friendly, i.e. one should have separate db entries of each photo for all languages and that violates the core of the wppa design rules.
That said -and with Jacob’s invaluable assistance- I was able to use Polylang quite effectively, to display my albums, images and tags in 4 languages – cf charleskohl.com.
Using these translation rules you’ll be able to define easily just which image has been rated the most, as permanently checking through 2 (or more) albums will likely be cumbersome, ineffective and error-prone (quite apart from halving your storage needs ??