I found the answer to my own question. There are two plug-ins you can used to solve this:
1) Page Lists Plus
This helps you tweak your menu through checking and unchecking different options that will allow you to make the parent item in your menu unclickable. I had problems with this at first, because when I tried to unlink the parent item, the whole menu got messed up (if you try you’ll know what I’m talking about). To prevent this, go to your dashboard (of course after you install the plugin), go to the section of your plugin and click on: Settings > Page Lists Plus , and then when you go to that page, in the Global Options section, check the boxes: Unlink Current Page; and Unlink using javascript (this disables links without removing anchor tags, which can affect styling);. After you do this, save your changes, go back to the dashboard, and in the same section of your plugin, uncheck the box under the section, “Link”, and you should be all set. For more info, visit: https://www.technokinetics.com/plugins/page-lists-plus/
2) WordPress JQuery Dropdown Menu
This actually creates an entire new menu. For more info on this, visit, https://weeatbricks.com/2008/01/07/new-wordpress-plugin-for-creating-a-drop-down-navigation-menu-using-jquery/
3) This last option is not a plugin, but if you feel confident enough to tweak your php code, this page provides the code and instructions on how to alter the functions.php file that would enable you to have unclickable parent items in menus. The only thing is that the code works for drop down menus with three items or less. Here’s the site: https://bavotasan.com/tutorials/how-to-remove-the-links-to-parent-pages-in-the-wordpress-page-list/
I assume that I never got an answer because nobody knew what it was. Well, I hope this helps those who’ve been wondering and frustrated.