• Resolved mauricev2


    Multisite install with 5.4. Top-level site lists three users, one of which is me and both I and a second user are super-admins. There are two subdomain sites, so far. They list only me as a user and not the others, which is at least odd for the other super-admin.

    In the top-level interface, I can create a new user, but there’s no way to assign it a password, only send it a link for the user to “reset” it. There’s also no option to assign the user to a site or a role in that site.

    At the individual site level, I can also create a new user, but there’s no mechanism to set a password and it’s not clear if it would send a “reset” password link email if I checked “Add the user without sending an email….”

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  • Moderator Samuel Wood (Otto)


    www.ads-software.com Admin

    Being a super-admin doesn’t automatically make you a member of every site on the network. You have access to them as a super-admin, sure, but that’s a global access, not a “you are a member” type of access.

    And yes, creating a user does not have a way to set a password for them. It sends them an email, which they will confirm with a code in a link, and which will then let them set a password.

    The “add a user without sending an email” is intended for when you are adding existing users to a new site. Like, they’re already users on one site, and now you’re giving them access to a new site. They already have an account, you’re just adding them to this site specifically.

    Users are global in multisite. The accounts are shared across all sites. But *access* to a site is not shared, individual users can have differing levels of access to sites. So, creating a user from the main network screen creates a user account, but gives them no access to any sites. To do that, you would need to go to the specific site and add them with a role there.

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