Hello @oneoff
Thank you for contacting the support.
Please use this code:
use RankMath\Sitemap\Providers\Provider;
class Madara_Sitemap_Provider implements Provider {
* Check if provider supports given item type.
* @param string $type Type string to check for.
* @return boolean
public function handles_type( $type ) {
return true;
* Get set of sitemaps index link data.
* @param int $max_entries Entries per sitemap.
* @return array
public function get_index_links( $max_entries ){
$index = array();
global $wpdb;
$sql = "SELECT count(*) as total FROM {$wpdb->prefix}manga_chapters";
$count = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
$total_page = floor($count / $max_entries) + 1;
for($current_page = 1; $current_page <= $total_page; $current_page++){
if($max_entries * ($current_page - 1) < $count) {
$offset = $max_entries * ($current_page - 1);
$sql = "SELECT max(date_gmt) FROM {$wpdb->prefix}manga_chapters ORDER BY date_gmt DESC LIMIT {$max_entries},{$offset}";
$date = $wpdb->get_var($sql);
$index[] = array(
'loc' => \RankMath\Sitemap\Router::get_base_url( 'wp-manga-chapters-sitemap'. $current_page .'.xml' ),
'lastmod' => $date,
return $index;
* Get set of sitemap link data.
* @param string $type Sitemap type.
* @param int $max_entries Entries per sitemap.
* @param int $current_page Current page of the sitemap.
* @return array
public function get_sitemap_links( $type, $max_entries, $current_page ){
$urls = array();
global $wpdb, $wp_manga_functions;
$offset = ($current_page - 1) * $max_entries;
$sql = "SELECT * FROM {$wpdb->prefix}manga_chapters ORDER BY date_gmt DESC LIMIT {$offset}, {$max_entries}";
$results = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
global $_wp_manga_wpseo_sitemap;
$_wp_manga_wpseo_sitemap = true;
foreach($results as $result){
$manga_id = $result->post_id;
// check if $manga is active
if(get_post_status($manga_id) == 'publish'){
$chapter_slug = $result->chapter_slug;
$link = $wp_manga_functions->build_chapter_url( $manga_id, $chapter_slug );
$urls[] = array(
'loc' => esc_url($link),
'mod' => $result->date_gmt,
'chf' => 'daily', // Deprecated, kept for backwards data compat. R.
'pri' => 1, // Deprecated, kept for backwards data compat. R.
'images' => array());
$_wp_manga_wpseo_sitemap = false;
return $urls;
add_filter( 'rank_math/sitemap/providers', function( $providers ) {
$providers[] = new Madara_Sitemap_Provider();
return $providers;
} );
Hope that helps.