• Resolved Luis Zarza


    I detected your plugin creates a conflict with Woocommerce at checkout page.
    To recreate go to this site: https://wordpress-271710-1281044.cloudwaysapps.com/shop/
    Access with

    Then add 1 product to cart and go to view the cart. Then proceed to checkout and you will see that the review order table has a white overlay covering all the Payment options and the button Place order. The white overlay won’t go away even if you set an address. Therefore the user can never place an order at the Woocommerce checkout page.

    The theme used for this recreation is Twenty twenty and below you can find all Site Info. Only your plugin is active along with Woocommerce. And of course if I deactivate your plugin the bug won’t occur. So it is a clear conflict between your plugin and Woocommerce.

    Please resolve this issue.

    Btw, I know that setting a CSS rule such as .blockUI.blockOverlay {display:none;} will hide the white overlay and somehow would resolve the issue. But please fix the plugin so that the white overlay is not triggered in the first place.

    White overlay HTML:

    <div class="blockUI blockOverlay" style="z-index: 1000; border: none; margin: 0px; padding: 0px; width: 100%; height: 100%; top: 0px; left: 0px; background: rgb(255, 255, 255); opacity: 0.6; cursor: default; position: absolute;"></div>

    Site info stats:

    ### wp-core ###
    version: 5.4.1
    site_language: en_US
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    ### wp-active-theme ###
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    version: 1.2
    author: the WordPress team
    author_website: https://www.ads-software.com/
    parent_theme: none
    theme_features: wc-product-gallery-zoom, wc-product-gallery-lightbox, wc-product-gallery-slider, woocommerce, post-thumbnails, automatic-feed-links, custom-background, custom-logo, title-tag, html5, align-wide, responsive-embeds, customize-selective-refresh-widgets, editor-color-palette, editor-font-sizes, widgets, menus, editor-style
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    ### wp-plugins-active (2) ###
    WooCommerce: version: 4.1.0, author: Automattic
    WP External Links: version: 2.45, author: WebFactory Ltd
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    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Luis Zarza.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Luis Zarza.
    • This topic was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Steven Stern (sterndata). Reason: removed credentials

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator

    Please don’t offer to send or post logon credentials on these forums: https://www.ads-software.com/support/guidelines#the-bad-stuff

    You can contact the author on their own site and, once there, the discussion is between the two of you. However, it is not OK to enter or send site credentials on these forums. It’s a fine line, but one that we need to enforce. Thanks for your cooperation.

    Thread Starter Luis Zarza


    Hi Steve,

    What I sent are not login credentials.

    The URL that I sent is a staging environment of a live site (the live site is not even mentioned on my message above). Obviously I don’t want Google to crawl and track my staging site, so that’s why I placed a password protection for the front-end.

    So what I sent are the credentials to simply be able to see the Front-end, those are not credentials to the WordPress admin.

    Please check it out yourself. Try and access just the front-end of this WordPress site:

    You will see that you need to enter some credentials.

    @zarza87 we have updated our plugin today. Can you check if it fix your issue?

    Thread Starter Luis Zarza


    Hi Manuel,

    I just updated and the issue it is still there. Can you please check?

    To see the front-end you will need to enter some credentials.

    @zarza87 that’s really strange… As You can see I’m using the same plugin versions as You…


    And When I’m doing the checkout I see no white overlay as I can see on Yours.

    Can You confirm which version You are seeing at Your plugin list? Do You see 2.46 there?

    If You see, please go to the plugin settings page, there is a tab called support.

    At the end of that support tab page there is a technical information about the plugin. Can You copy and past that here?

    Moderator Steven Stern (sterndata)


    Volunteer Forum Moderator


    Despite asking, you’ve again posted credentials. It doesn’t matter whether it’s your live site or a staging one. Do not post credentials on the forums.

    You’ve been placed on “modwatch” until we’re convinced such postings have stopped. Your account has *not* been banned, we just want to check things for a while before they’re public. If you wish to take issue with this, contact moderators via the #forums channel on slack (https://make.www.ads-software.com/slack)

    Thread Starter Luis Zarza


    @sterndata I don’t know why it is so hard for you to understand that those are NOT login credentials. Please re read all my messages above. Not just focus on the “”credentials””.

    You will NOT be able to enter the WordPress admin with what I provided. My site is a password protected site. Meaning that in order to see the front-end you need to enter a password. That’s done so that Google won’t crawl my website, since that’s a duplicated website.
    The information I provided is just to see the front-end the public information.

    So again, why cannot I show the front-end of my site @sterndata ?

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Luis Zarza.
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Luis Zarza.
    Moderator Yui



    You can show your frontend. but if possible – remove any password protection for it. At least temporarily.
    Do not post ANY, yes, ANY login/password pair.

    Thread Starter Luis Zarza


    @manuelrocha88 Thank you for your answer. Below’s the info you’re asking for. Also they are not allowing me to post any info for you to access my password protected front-end. Maybe we can communicate via email or another platform so that I send you the password that way?

    WP url:  https://wordpress-271710-1281044.cloudwaysapps.com
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      'own_admin_menu' => '1',
    • This reply was modified 4 years, 6 months ago by Luis Zarza.
Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • The topic ‘Conflict with Woocommerce’ is closed to new replies.