• Hi All,

    I have been using Newsup theme for some time now but my posts in tab section of Homepage is not getting updated. Specially the trending and Popular posts are not getting updated. Latest one is working fine.

    Please Help

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  • Theme Author themeansar


    Hi Azhar,

    Thanks for contacting us,

    Its Working perfectly at our end, if you are using any plugin then deactivate plugin one by then check your website, for use tabbed section go to slider banner & tab section(Theme Dashboard >> appearance >> customize >> Frontpage options) and use tabbed section, you can also following screenshot link: https://prntscr.com/se33x5

    If still not correct then send us the URL of your website


    My site is exactly like that and the Latest, shows correctly. But the Trending shows the same as Recent. The Popular tab doesn’t change, shows some older post. https://www.courageouschristianfather.com

    Theme Author themeansar


    Same issue here. Trending is the same as Recent tab, and Popular only shows the earliest posts. The mentioned solution doesn’t help

    I have the same issue on my website, solution not working.
    Trending and Recent are the same.
    As for Popular, it is showing my newest post and three old ones. If anything, my least popular posts!

    The problem is that the function is sorting the posts by number of comments. If a website does not have a comment section, then the function isn’t gonna work. Same with trending. My solution was to get “Post Views Counter” plugin, it has a function which gives necessary output, plug that into functions.php to get Popular working. As for Trending, the best I could come up with is custom tagging “Trending” of posts, which is sort of a solution, but I would’ve liked to have flexibility (like setting popular by post view during the last 24 hours). Sadly I can’t use same function differently twice, and there are no other plugins like that.

    Thanks @ingo224996 for your reply! Good to see you worked out what the problem is – shame Support haven’t managed it!!

    Doesn’t give me a lot of faith in the theme. I won’t be upgrading to Pro anytime soon.

    I will give your solution a go.

    I have found problem line (‘orderby’ => ‘comment_count’,) in the newsup_render_posts function.
    I’ve installed the “Post Views Counter” plugin, but looking through its code I’m not sure what bit I need to take and where to put it?
    It is isn’t too much trouble, could you tell me where to go from here?

    Our posts don’t get many comments so this doesn’t work for us, “Popular” pulls very old posts that just happen to have a lot of comments, so we would also like to have the “Popular” tab use Post Views Count rather than Comment Count. I installed the Post Views Counter plugin and set it up. But what do I change that line to? I assume I need replace “comment_count” with something else, like “post_types_count” but I tried that and it did not work, so must be slightly different.

    (‘orderby’ => ‘comment_count’,)

    (‘orderby’ => ‘post_types_count’,)

    I am also having that same issue too. I would like to know how to use post views instead of comment count as a metric for the popular tab.

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