• Hi all, I’m new to WordPress and am impressed so far. I have a question related to integration of WP

    I started spending time with CSS and XHTML, and came across the Keep It Simple template from Styleshout.com. I started by using it to create a small personal site, mostly to learn and play around with the technology. I got that all working (but haven’t finished with content yet). I also haven’t setup a Domain name – I’m just hosting it myself on a Ubuntu LAMP machine. Works fine.

    Then I found WordPress, and realized that this Template had been ported to WP by Themelabs. I’m trying to integrate the two things – my psuedo static site using the CSS template, and the WordPress Blog. I have several pages that don’t need to be dynamically generated, and the raw template has areas for things that I haven’t figured out how to do in WP yet. I don’t want my whole site to resemble a blogsite.

    I have seen that “static” Pages can be used in WP, but I’m not sure to what extent I can edit those using the Admin page, or how much I’ll be able to change them manually. I have a Home page, an Interests page that leads to several sub pages, a Blog page which pulls up WP, and then a Photos page (I’d like to use Coppermine or Gallery 2) with sub-pages, and a full About page. However, doing it this way, I haven’t been able to integrate the two menus – one from the static pages containing the options above, along with the WP menu (which only shows Home (WP home) and About (WP About)).

    Is this crazy? Should I be using WP Pages, or can I easily integrate these two things thsi way?

    I want to understand what the options are and, if possible, how I might basically accomplish either approach, so I can make decision based on all the info. So I’d appreciate a little explanation, rather than just “Use WP” responses.

    Thanks in advance for your help!

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  • I think the easiest would be to create your own static page templates and use wp for the whole site – that way, as you intimated, you could easily do everything with wp’s admin

    some folks only use static pages – no posts

    Thread Starter pwwiebe


    Is it fair to say that no one modifies the xhtml/php ‘pages’ that get created by WP (not the dynamic ones, but the “static” pages) by changing the raw file itself? I was assuming that I’d be able to modify parts of the page the way I want, but was unsure how to proceed or where to find the info – clearly I need to do some reading and experimenting.

    Are you saying I could have a template for a specific page? And that would allow me to manage the complete “custom” xhtml on each page that I have now on individual html files, using the WP admin interface?

    Thanks for the guidance samboll – I’ll look into the codex link you provided and come back if I have more questions. I appreciate it sir!


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