Hi there,
I’ve just reached out to the marketplace vendor behind Dynamic Pricing and he mentioned that he’s been in touch several times already. If you’re not seeing any of his replies, it might be worthwhile checking the spam folder in your email?
In any event, the marketplace author shared the following about your query:
You can bulk import rules for products using a bit of a workaround. You can configure one product the way you need setup. Then you can use something like WP All Export, or any other export / import tool to export that product. Be sure the export will include post_meta, specifically, the post_meta key / value for _pricing_rules
Once you have the export you can copy that to all of your other products in a CSV file and then re-import updating the products which will add your copied _pricing_rules column data to each product.
Please note, this will only work if you are not targeting any specific variations, since those variations are unique across products of course. This also won’t work if you are using categories and are trying to export / import from one site to another since most likely your category ID’s are different between the two sites.
Also, if you need to modify the data you are importing for each product you will need to use something to deserialize the string value you get in your CSV file and then re-searalize it.
There is a handy online tool where you can copy the data from the CSV file to deserialize / update / re-serialize for your other products. https://duzun.me/playground/serialize
For further support on this, please reply to the support ticket directly as this forum is only geared towards the core aspects of the WooCommerce plugin itself.