• Whenever I try to post a new comment I get the following:

    Sorry, you can only post a new comment once every 10 seconds. Slow down cowboy.

    It’s been 10 minutes since I last tried to add one!?
    Any ideas? WP 1.2.2. URL: Here


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  • I just commented without a problem…. have you altered any timestamps ?

    Thread Starter gregor


    What the hell? I still can’t post? Something to do w/ a cookie maybe? Haven’t changed any timestamps, only the WP Default Date format in General Options.

    hey, i’m having trouble with the comments on my site also ??
    i didn’t notice it until today when a friend told me…
    I then tried it myself on another computer and it was true, after filling in the commet/name/email fields, the site brought me to “domain.com/blog/wp-comment-post.php but the page was BLANK

    my site: https://www.sw3d.info

    i hadn’t try posting any comments ever since i reinstalled the whole WP system because i had a login problem, soon after that i updated to 1.2.2

    i also got another domain, but i remember changing all my options and stuff… everything on the site works fine except for hte comments
    i tested my friend’s weblog at https://www.inetta.tk, which i am also hosting off my computer, and the comments works fine… like mine it is also running wp 1.2.2 :\ so i don’t know what is wrong with my blog

    xnoobletx, I had a similar problem of a blank page (using a 1.5 nightly though.) A quick fix for me was in the file wp-comments-post.php, I moved the following 2 lines:

    $location = get_permalink($comment_post_ID);

    header("Location: $location");

    from the bottom of the file, to the top, right under:

    $comment_post_ID = (int) $_POST['comment_post_ID'];

    I don’t know if this is a bug or not, or if this is the wrong way to fix it, but it seems to have worked. I assume it was exiting/dying before it could redirect. Of course this will redirect someone even if ther post fails. Which is bad. ??

    Anyone have a better fix?

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