Hi @wotnow,
We see from your example you’re looking at the Code Editor for the page, which is not the same as the “Edit as HTML” option when you click on a block. See this screenshot.
To get that option, you can take the following steps:
1. Edit the FAQ block page
2. Click the FAQ block, then select “Edit as HTML” from the block options menu.
To create links to the FAQ questions, you must use the FAQ question element’s ID value. This is a generated number, so for the content management system question, it’s “#faq-question-1590891906036”
Example FAQ Block ID (Edit as HTML):
<div id="faq-question-1590891906036" class="schema-faq-section">
<h2 class="schema-faq-question">What is a Content Management System?</h2>...
Example Link in another page:
Broome Car Carriers website is a CMS, <a href="https://www.test.kimberleywebdesign.com.au/services/web-design/#faq-question-1590891906036">Content Management System</a>
To use #CMS in the link instead of #faq-question-1590891906036, you’ll need to edit the block as HTML and replace “faq-question-1590891906036” with “CMS”. Be sure to save the page.