• I have a site I’m developing… so it’s not linked anywhere (but it is allowing Pings for posts I’ve added to the test server)

    And I’ve gotten two “gambling” comment spam comments on a post that has “no comments” selected.

    They aren’t showing on the site, because the comments are turned off, but how are they entering the comments to begin with? The forms aren’t visible?

    I guess I’m going to have to look at Spam Comment plugins. Is there a preference for a favorite one?

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  • Just to clarify, you enabled pingbacks on the post?

    Someone explained this to me once, but I can’t remember all of the details. Mostly had something to do with a spam being generated for the post id before the post is actually created. Something like that.

    Moderator James Huff


    As long as wp-comments-post.php exists, bots can send spam comments directly through that file. Disabling comments only disables the comment form for the entery.

    Mostly had something to do with a spam being generated for the post id before the post is actually created.

    Gotta love MySQL’s disregard for referential integrity ??

    I am running into the same problem … I have comments off as much as possible … on the main page view there is no comment link anymore … but when you select a single post, it has a commet link, which is inactive (which i knew how to get rid of that too)

    if i rename / disable the wp-comments-post.php, would I do any damage to the site? is that a way of getting comments off? like naming it ‘commentspamsuckswp-comments-post.php’ ?

    Moderator James Huff


    If you want to get rid of comments entirely, just delete wp-comments-post.php, which is exactly what I just said two posts above you. Thank you for being observant. It will cause no damage. You can always upload a new file later.

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