• scott_garretthotmailcom


    I am quite new to this and things have been working quite well, but now I appear to have 2 widgets the don’t play well.

    The first is ClustrMaps, it’s a text widget using the html cut from their site. It works fine but any widgets on the sidebar after this text widget don’t appear. I used to deal with this by it being the last widget…..

    Now I have another WP-Cumulus 1.23, this widget does the same thing, any widget after it does not appear, I tried to bundle both of these in 1 text widget without any luck.

    I am using iBlog2 2.8.1 by PageLines as a theme and any thoughts would be great

    site if anyone wants to see it in action is

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  • you have one too many closing divs in your clustermap textwidget

    at the moment, your cumulus actually appears at the bottom of your blog

    PS same could be with your cumulus textbox ??

    Thread Starter scott_garretthotmailcom


    Unfortunately I don’t have any div tags in the text box at all, and the WP-Cumulus is a prefab widget so I can’t tell, bu tit’s likely the exact same thing.
    The extra tags could come from
    The widget
    The Plugin
    The Theme

    Any thoughts on how I would find out where it comes from?

    I added wp-cumulus to the tags in the hope that Roy will comment.


    Thread Starter scott_garretthotmailcom


    I have another blog, using a different theme. I loaded both of these widgets there and find that WP-Cumulus works ok there but ClusterMaps does not. I guess this means I have extra div tags from two different sources.

    Anyone else have this issue with clustrmaps?

    I will see if I can raise the attention of pagelines ??

    Thread Starter scott_garretthotmailcom


    Upgraded to iBlog2 2.8.5, same issue.

    I’d recommend removing all widgets one by one and see if things work better with a certain one removed. WP-Cumulus is ‘allergic’ to html markup errors, so it may well fail if some other element forgets to close a div. I’m pretty sure Cumulus closes all its elements, I’m usually quite careful with that.

    the clustrMap code works works fine in a text widget in my blog (Protegidas theme).
    i still suspect that there is an extra </div> within your text widget, so could you please check the content of your text widget again and see if there is this </div> at the end (which i see in your html in my browser)- if yes, delete it.

    img.onerror = cantload;

    Thread Starter scott_garretthotmailcom


    <br />
    <a href="https://www3.clustrmaps.com/counter/maps.php?url=https://www.airecanada.com" id="clustrMapsLink"><img src="https://www3.clustrmaps.com/counter/index2.php?url=https://www.airecanada.com" style="border:0px;" alt="Locations of visitors to this page" title="Locations of visitors to this page" id="clustrMapsImg" />
    <script type="text/javascript">
    function cantload() {
    img = document.getElementById("clustrMapsImg");
    img.onerror = null;
    img.src = "https://www2.clustrmaps.com/images/clustrmaps-back-soon.jpg";
    document.getElementById("clustrMapsLink").href = "https://www2.clustrmaps.com";
    img = document.getElementById("clustrMapsImg");
    img.onerror = cantload;
    Thread Starter scott_garretthotmailcom


    There is the complete text of the widget.

    Thanks Roy, as WP-Cumulus is working just fine in another blog using another theme I am thinking it’s not the issue.

    I tried moving all the widgets up and down but with iBlog2 2.8.5 neither work properly. I hope pagelines has a comment.

    I may try a quick change to Protegidas theme just to see if that makes the diff.

    Thanks everybody

    Thread Starter scott_garretthotmailcom


    Pagelines have come through
    You MUST have some text in the title field.
    Even just a space and everything is back to working.

    Thanks guys

    FYI, this is a problem with a lot of themes that use docking boxes. Docking boxes require a “handle” and “content” What happens is that in case of widgets such as the text widget if you don’t specify a title, the widget’s “before_title” and “after_title” tags are not printed. This causes a div tag mismatch, because for the docking boxes you specify the handle in the title. The starting tag for the div for your content is in “after_title”, and dropping that element causes chaos.

    When you have third-party widgets that do not print titles or don’t give you an option to set a title, that is when the real fun begins.

    This problem can be fixed by the theme developer by using JQuery. See here: https://www.ads-software.com/support/topic/267424?replies=6

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