Snumb130, you still working on the issues?
What I’m finding is this:
1. Widget works fine including the hover/click/lightbox feature(With the 6.6.2 patch Byronrode did) you will need to modify the css to make it visible and look right though.
2. The EVENTSCALENDARLARGE doesn’t work when making a page for the full calendar but using [events-calendar-large] does work (Again you have to redo the css to make if fit your needs.
3. The LARGE calendar has an issue: clicking on the event of the large calendar doesn’t open up the event details. the hover shows.
NONE of these worked just by installing the patch. I had to drop the “Event calendar” tables in the DB and reload a fresh install.
I have a test site that I use for testing issues and site building for customers, so if it gets hosed I don’t worry too much and just reinstall fresh WordPress.
Personally I’d love to see this plugin work like the older version did. Thanks for all yours and Byronrode’s help.