• hi,

    currently when i search a book author it will show the books that the author sells. I want this to go to the author page, as it has specific text that i would like the user to see if they search for this author

    Is that possible at all? For it to not only show product results but also to show a taxonomy page if it is searched


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  • Plugin Author ILLID



    Yes, it is possible. By default you can display categories and tags pages inside search results. If you need to display other taxonomies archive pages than it is possible only with pro plugin version.


    Thread Starter onoxin


    hi thanks for this.

    how do i do this, i have the pro plugin and also have selected in archive pages the ‘Book author’ taxonomy but not working
    under the view option there is only categories as well.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 9 months ago by onoxin.
    Plugin Author ILLID


    So first – you need to activate Taxonomies archives search. Than go to list of all available taxonomies and choose what of them must be available for search – https://prnt.sc/sutd07
    Did you follow all this steps?


    Thread Starter onoxin


    Yes i have followed these but no luck. https://imgur.com/a/C3T2L8a

    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by onoxin.
    Plugin Author ILLID



    I see you enable some taxonomies archive pages for search.
    But does you enable taxonomies search itself? https://prnt.sc/sxqb4c

    Thread Starter onoxin


    Hi yes that is enabled too https://imgur.com/a/Sq7C0le

    Any idea why it would not be working. I can send you url to site if that helps?


    Plugin Author ILLID


    Yes, this will be great if you send the URL where I can find working search form.

    Thread Starter onoxin


    Great thanks the site is setantabooks.com

    Plugin Author ILLID


    So, you want to see this Book Authors inside search results page? Previously I think that you are talking about ajax results.

    Thread Starter onoxin


    Yes is that possible ILLID?
    To show the Book Author page when people search for the book author name – it would be the exact name.

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Well such feature are not supported by default but you can try to use some code snippet.
    You need to add it somewhere outside plugins folder. For example, inside functions.php file of your theme or use some plugin for adding code snippets.

    add_filter('aws_search_page_results', 'my_aws_search_page_results', 10, 3); 
    function my_aws_search_page_results( $posts, $query, $data ) { 
        $new_posts = array(); 
        $product = get_posts( array( 
            'posts_per_page'      => 1, 
            'numberposts'         => 1, 
            'fields'              => 'ids', 
            'post_type'           => 'product', 
            'post_status'         => 'publish', 
            'ignore_sticky_posts' => true, 
            'suppress_filters'    => true, 
            'no_found_rows'       => 1, 
            'orderby'             => 'ID', 
            'order'               => 'ASC', 
            'lang'                => '' 
        ) ); 
        if ( isset( $data['search_res']['s']['tax'] ) && ! empty( $data['search_res']['s']['tax'] ) ) { 
            foreach ( $data['search_res']['s']['tax'] as $tax_name => $tax_terms ) { 
                foreach ( $tax_terms as $tax_term) { 
                    $post = new stdClass(); 
                    $post->ID = $product[0]; 
                    $post->site_id = get_current_blog_id(); 
                    $post->post_name = $tax_term['name']; 
                    $post->post_title = $tax_term['name']; 
                    $post->permalink = $tax_term['link']; 
                    $post->post_type = "product"; 
                    $post->post_author = "1"; 
                    $post->post_status = "publish"; 
                    $post->post_parent = 0; 
                    $post->post_content = ""; 
                    $post->menu_order = 0; 
                    $post->post_date = "2000-01-01 12:00:00"; 
                    $post->post_date_gmt = "2000-01-01 12:00:00"; 
                    $post->post_modified = "2000-01-01 12:00:00"; 
                    $post->post_modified_gmt = "2000-01-01 12:00:00"; 
                    $post->awssearch = true; 
                    if ( $post ) { 
                        $new_posts[] = $post; 
        if ( ! empty( $new_posts ) ) { 
            $posts = $new_posts + $posts; 
        return $posts; 
    Thread Starter onoxin


    Thank you very much for your reply.
    Is there anything I need to change in the code? It didn’t work for me.


    • This reply was modified 4 years, 8 months ago by onoxin.
    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please tell me what WordPress theme you are using?

    Thread Starter onoxin


    I am using Storefront ??

    Plugin Author ILLID


    Please try to use following code instead

    class AWS_Add_Tax {
        public $tax_id = 0;
        public $tax = array();
        public function __construct() {
            add_filter( 'aws_search_page_results',  array( $this, 'aws_search_page_results' ), 10, 3 );
            add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_product_link',  array( $this, 'woocommerce_loop_product_link' ), 10, 2 );
            add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_get_image',  array( $this, 'woocommerce_product_get_image' ), 10, 4 );
            add_filter( 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link',  array( $this, 'woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link' ), 10, 2 );
            add_filter( 'woocommerce_sale_flash',  array( $this, 'woocommerce_sale_flash' ), 10, 3 );
            add_filter( 'woocommerce_get_price_html',  array( $this, 'woocommerce_get_price_html' ), 10, 2 );
        public function aws_search_page_results( $posts, $query, $data ) {
            $new_posts = array();
            $product = get_posts( array(
                'posts_per_page'      => 1,
                'numberposts'         => 1,
                'fields'              => 'ids',
                'post_type'           => 'product',
                'post_status'         => 'publish',
                'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
                'suppress_filters'    => true,
                'no_found_rows'       => 1,
                'orderby'             => 'ID',
                'order'               => 'ASC',
                'lang'                => ''
            ) );
            if ( isset( $data['search_res']['s']['tax'] ) && ! empty( $data['search_res']['s']['tax'] ) ) {
                $this->tax_id = $product[0];
                foreach ( $data['search_res']['s']['tax'] as $tax_name => $tax_terms ) {
                    foreach ( $tax_terms as $tax_term) {
                        $post = new stdClass();
                        $post->ID = $product[0];
                        $post->site_id = get_current_blog_id();
                        $post->post_name = $tax_term['name'];
                        $post->post_title = $tax_term['name'];
                        $post->permalink = $tax_term['link'];
                        $post->post_type = "product";
                        $post->post_author = "1";
                        $post->post_status = "publish";
                        $post->post_parent = 0;
                        $post->post_content = "";
                        $post->menu_order = 0;
                        $post->post_date = "2000-01-01 12:00:00";
                        $post->post_date_gmt = "2000-01-01 12:00:00";
                        $post->post_modified = "2000-01-01 12:00:00";
                        $post->post_modified_gmt = "2000-01-01 12:00:00";
                        $post->awssearch = true;
                        if ( $post ) {
                            $new_posts[] = $post;
                        $this->tax[$post->ID][] = $tax_term;
            if ( ! empty( $new_posts ) ) {
                $posts = $new_posts + $posts;
            return $posts;
        public function woocommerce_loop_product_link( $link, $product ) {
            $id = $product->get_id();
            if ( isset( $_REQUEST['type_aws'] ) && isset( $this->tax[$id] ) ) {
                foreach( $this->tax[$id] as $key => $tax_term ) {
                    $link = $tax_term['link'];
                    unset( $this->tax[$id][$key] );
                return $link;
            return $link;
        public function woocommerce_product_get_image( $image, $product, $size, $attr ) {
            $id = $product->get_id();
            if ( isset( $_REQUEST['type_aws'] ) && isset( $this->tax[$id] ) ) {
                return wc_placeholder_img( $size, $attr );
            return $image;
        public function woocommerce_loop_add_to_cart_link( $output, $product ) {
            $id = $product->get_id();
            if ( isset( $_REQUEST['type_aws'] ) && isset( $this->tax[$id] ) ) {
                return '';
            return $output;
        public function woocommerce_sale_flash( $output, $post, $product ) {
            $id = $product->get_id();
            if ( isset( $_REQUEST['type_aws'] ) && isset( $this->tax[$id] ) ) {
                return '';
            return $output;
        public function woocommerce_get_price_html( $output, $product ) {
            $id = $product->get_id();
            if ( isset( $_REQUEST['type_aws'] ) && isset( $this->tax[$id] ) ) {
                return '';
            return $output;
    new AWS_Add_Tax();
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