• My host unlawfully transferred my domain name out from under me resulting ine being unable to use the usual plugins to export my site and migrate it… Nominet enabled me to regain access to my domain name and I’ve transferred it out from 1&1 Ionos to a new host (GoDaddy) and went about setting up a hosting plan with them.

    So, what I have is a webspace with Ionos witg all the WordPress files and the database from my WordPress site which I’ve downloaded via FTP and my new domain name set up with a Linux server with GoDaddy.

    The issue I’m facing is, when I upload the site files I downloaded via FTP and import the database, it keeps coming up with the “install WordPress” screen to set up a fresh WordPress site.

    I’ve transferred over the htaccess file and now, it’s trying to download a file that doesn’t do anything (according to the text in the file when opened with notepad).

    I’m in a right pickle. Wp-config is all set up correctly so far as I can tell pointing to the new host with the new database username and password.

    Can anyone provide a step by step guide on moving from another server webspace to the domain name? All the guides online I can find includes migration whilst the previous site is still active. For me, this isn’t the case.

    My issue is (probably) unique because it is effectively a local host set up on the 1and1 server where everything is still pointing to my domain name, I’ve downloaded this and assumed it wouldn’t be too difficult to just upload, reconnect the database and I’d be good to go but it doesn’t seem to be so easy as I expected.

    So far, I’ve spent the last 8 hours toying with it myself, and since the 11th June dealing with the domain hijacking and spent much of that time with Ionos and GoDaddy support to try and get it all sorted and up and running… Its half 3 in the morning now and this post is probably going to be my last avenue for a solution before giving up on it! ??

    Really appreciate the help.

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  • Hello

    Maybe your migrated site database source file path is still the same.

    To be sure that your problem is at the database, you could create a folder at the server’s page directory and move all inside, then copy a brand-new WordPress installation then create a new database with a new user to use these at the new WordPress installation, if it installs then you will be sure that all is working fine and it surely is a missed database update.

    Assuming that your problem is at the database source file path, you can replace it at the Database .SQL file used to migrate.

    The database source file path at my server includes the web hosting server user name and the web site name, it’s like /home/webhostusername/mywebsite.com/… and it’s just the beginning of all used file paths at the Database.

    Try to find and replace it with your new directory name by using any text editor like notepad++, atom, sublime text and such.
    Ex. replace: /home/oldwebhostusername/mywebsite.com/
    with: /home/newwebhostusername/mywebsite.com/

    I was able to find 8 occurrences of the source file path at my last migration database, but your number may differ.

    I hope this can be of use, let me know if you need more help.

    Best regards.

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