It is a user community adn sometimes other folks don’t have the answers. A couple of times I have had issues and also not received replies. I learned while manager at a computer company that every programmer or user sometimes faces issues that don’t have apparent answers. In my cases I fell back on past experience and eventually discovered a single plugin that caused a nasty glitch. I posted that information here so others can learn from my experience.
That’s really the way these boards work. You supply as much technical data as you can and other uses that frequent the site read and decide whether they can help or not.
Learning to use WordPress has been a blast for me even with the occasional issue. The regulars that read comments on the board and the folks at WordPress do what they can as do the plugin authors. WordPress people remind me of the OPUS BBS sysops back in the early 90’s. Bulletin board sysops worked the same way. We wrote documentation for one another, tried out batch files, helped people customized their boards etc. Each sysop had to really dig in though and do his/her homework on occasion.
Try going back and re-reading your first post (which I have not read) and see if you think you provided as much technical detail as you could have, make changes etc. Use tags to help the search engine find your post. Someone else may discover your post in a search and the regulars may be able to help you with more information.
I also think yo will find as you work through the problem and read posts of a similar nature you will discover things to try on your own. Just my two cents after managing and supervising help desks for a number of years that had non-technical people in very technical environments.
Oh and there is an old saying in the help desk business, “The customer shot himself in the foot.” One of the first things to try is to remove your changes, do a fresh install of WordPress (real easy to do), read the latest security updates to make sure you have not been hacked, subscribe to blogs and Tweets of WordPress experts and read – read a lot.
Don’t take a lack of reply personally. It just hasn’t been found yet by someone that can help. At least that’s been my experience.