GPX file uploading as POT file
Naive Name: ors-export-linestring.gpx
Naive Extension: gpx
Naive Type: text/gpx
Magic Type: text/plain
Best Type: application/
Name: ors-export-linestring.pot
Extension: pot
Type: application/
Code: 75SYSTEM:
Kernel: Linux 3.10.0-1062.12.1.el7.x86_64 #1 SMP Tue Feb 4 23:02:59 UTC 2020 x86_64
PHP: 7.3.19
Modules: Core; PDO; PDO_Firebird; PDO_ODBC; Phar; Reflection; SPL; SimpleXML; Zend OPcache; bcmath; bz2; calendar; cgi-fcgi; ctype; curl; date; dba; dom; enchant; exif; fileinfo; filter; ftp; gd; gettext; gmp; hash; iconv; imap; interbase; intl; ionCube Loader; json; ldap; libxml; mbstring; mysqli; mysqlnd; odbc; openssl; pcre; pdo_dblib; pdo_mysql; pdo_pgsql; pdo_sqlite; pgsql; posix; pspell; readline; session; shmop; snmp; soap; sockets; sodium; sqlite3; standard; sysvmsg; sysvsem; sysvshm; tidy; tokenizer; xml; xmlreader; xmlrpc; xmlwriter; xsl; zip; zlib
WordPress: 5.4.2
Plugins: super-progressive-web-apps [2.1]
Theme: Divi [4.4.8]
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