• The location map default zoom in level is always at maximum zoom level, no matter what setting I change in the google map option in wordpress but the zoom-level was never changed, it remains at the maximum zoom level always at the frontend.

    I also tried to change the zoom level manually in the PHP file, search & change for any zoom keyword setting but non is help.

    Appreciate if any helps or advice on this issue. Thanks!

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  • Thread Starter Venlee


    I found the solution, in case anyone facing the same problem, hope below solution that works for me able to help you too.

    It was this google map method “map.fitBounds();” that overrides the zoom option.
    Got the clue from this post https://stackoverflow.com/questions/33839714/zoom-option-is-not-working-for-google-map

    The said method has to be removed, just look into the PHP file of where the Google map embed code place:

    Search for this line of code “map.fitBounds”, removed it or comment it out.

    Lastly, you need to replace it with another code method in order for the map to works correctly, else the map will stop working after you remove above code, replace it with below:


    Just change the zoom level to the level you prefer. That’s it! Hope it helps!
    Feel free to reply if you found a better solution.

    Plugin Author g5theme


    In ERE Options, already have options to set default Map Zoom, here: https://prntscr.com/tr1p28
    Does it not work?

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