• My web designer set up my wordpress site for me and showed how to log in with admin priveleges and upload content, change themes etc.

    I have done this several times and have not allowed anyone else on the site yet. My site is set up so that you can’t just go to the url and see it, but instead it goes to a blank “face” page that tells you to “click here” to login for this site and this takes you to the standard worpress login page. everything was working fine until i changed the theme today and everything went wrong.

    now when i go to the url and click to login, instead of going to the login page it goes to a page that says this:

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/4024/domains/iactroop193.com/html/site/wp-content/themes/gypsy/functions.php:3) in /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/4024/domains/iactroop193.com/html/site/wp-content/plugins/allow-categories/allowcat.php on line 352

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/4024/domains/iactroop193.com/html/site/wp-content/themes/gypsy/functions.php:3) in /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/4024/domains/iactroop193.com/html/site/wp-content/plugins/allow-categories/allowcat.php on line 353

    Warning: Cannot modify header information – headers already sent by (output started at /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/4024/domains/iactroop193.com/html/site/wp-content/themes/gypsy/functions.php:3) in /nfs/c01/h12/mnt/4024/domains/iactroop193.com/html/site/wp-content/plugins/allow-categories/allowcat.php on line 354

    now i can’t even login to the site at all to change the theme or do anything.

    any thoughts??

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  • Ftp into your site and rename the wp-content/plugins/allow-categories folder.


    t is usually due to spaces, new lines, or other garbage at opening/closing PHP file <?php tag or after a closing ?> tag in wp-config.php. It can be other file too so need to check error message as it may list file name where the error occurred.

    You can either upload error file from the backup or edit erroneous file. To edit the file one need to check below mentioned points:

    1. Download the file mentioned in the error message.
    2. Open that file in a plain text editor
    3. Check that the very first characters are <?php
    4. Check that the very last characters are ?>
    5. Place the cursor between the ? and >
    6. Now press the DELETE key on your computer and keep that key pressed for at least 15 seconds.
    7. Now type > and
    8. Save without pressing any other key at all.

    Refer this article

    That’s it!


    Shane G.

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