• 1st: I have my navigation set to pages, so I want people to register, and I made a page with meta redirection to wp-login.php?do=register
    Is there a way, that it wouldn’t redirect, it would automatically open the registration? I tried using iFrame but it sucked.

    2nd: I’m using reCaptcha for registration, but it’s kinda too wide. Is there a way to makethe registration form wider, or a way I could edit it compleatelly?

    3rd: I want my name to be red, so I went to phpMyAdmin, changed my display name to red, but now the page title of my “profile” is with html code, not just text like instead of “ItsGreg” it’s “<fobnt color=”red”>ItsGreg< /font>”. Can I fix that?

    4th. Is there a way to modify, so users that are logged in can’t view the registration form, and the page link in navigation that links to it?

    Thanks ;D

Viewing 9 replies - 1 through 9 (of 9 total)
  • 1st: I have my navigation set to pages, so I want people to register, and I made a page with meta redirection to wp-login.php?do=register
    Is there a way, that it wouldn’t redirect, it would automatically open the registration? I tried using iFrame but it sucked.

    Is it not possible to manually add a link in where your navigation is being displayed, e.g?

    <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
    <li><a href="/wp-login.php?do=register">Register</a></li>

    2nd: I’m using reCaptcha for registration, but it’s kinda too wide. Is there a way to makethe registration form wider, or a way I could edit it compleatelly?

    Sounds like some CSS would do the trick for making it wider, post up a link and we can have a look.
    Not too sure if you can edit the register page in terms of HTML.

    3rd: I want my name to be red, so I went to phpMyAdmin, changed my display name to red, but now the page title of my “profile” is with html code, not just text like instead of “ItsGreg” it’s “<fobnt color=”red”>ItsGreg< /font>”. Can I fix that?

    You want your name to be in red where? Sounds like another simple CSS change, not sure why you went into phpMyAdmin for this?? change it back to avoid the problem and you can use CSS to make it red.

    4th. Is there a way to modify, so users that are logged in can’t view the registration form, and the page link in navigation that links to it?

    Yup you just need to check if the user is logged in, so applied to the code I posted up for answer 1 it would be something like:

    <?php wp_list_pages(); ?>
    <?php if (!is_user_logged_in() ) {?>
    <li><a href="/wp-login.php?do=register">Register</a></li>
    <? } ?>

    This would only output the Register link if a user was not logged in.

    Thread Starter ItsGreg


    Is it not possible to manually add a link in where your navigation is being displayed, e.g?

    I tried adding it, but it just effed up the site.
    can I give my header code, and you place it wherever you think it would fit ;D
    Same for 4th [ :

    <?php /* Mystique/digitalnature */ ?>
    <!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN" "https://www.w3.org/TR/xhtml11/DTD/xhtml11.dtd">
    <html xmlns="https://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" <?php //language_attributes(); ?>>
    <head profile="https://gmpg.org/xfn/11">
    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="<?php bloginfo('html_type'); ?>; charset=<?php bloginfo('charset'); ?>" />
    <title><?php wp_title('&laquo;', true, 'right'); if (get_mystique_option('seo')): if (get_query_var('cpage') ) print ' Page '.get_query_var('cpage').' &laquo; '; endif;?> <?php bloginfo('name'); ?></title>
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> RSS Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('rss2_url'); ?>" />
    <link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" title="<?php bloginfo('name'); ?> Atom Feed" href="<?php bloginfo('atom_url'); ?>" />
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    if (is_singular() && get_option('thread_comments')) wp_enqueue_script('comment-reply');
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     $user_head = preg_replace('/\<\?php/', '', $user_head, 1); // remove "<?php"
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    <body class="<?php mystique_body_class() ?>">
     <div id="page">
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           // logo image?
           if(get_mystique_option('logo')): ?>
           <div id="logo"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/"><img src="<?php echo get_mystique_option('logo'); ?>" title="<?php bloginfo('name');  ?>" alt="<?php bloginfo('name');  ?>" /></a></div>
           <?php else: ?>
           <div id="logo"><a href="<?php bloginfo('url'); ?>/"><?php bloginfo('name'); ?></a></div>
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           <?php if(get_bloginfo('description')): ?><p class="headline"><?php bloginfo('description'); ?></p><?php endif; ?>
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           //$twituser = get_mystique_option('twitter_id');
           // if(is_active_widget('TwitterWidget'))
           $twitinfo =  get_option('mystique-twitter');
           $twituser = $twitinfo['last_twitter_id'];
           if ($twituser): ?>
          <a href="https://www.twitter.com/<?php echo $twituser; ?>" class="nav-extra twitter" title="<?php _e("Follow me on Twitter!","mystique"); ?>"><span><?php _e("Follow me on Twitter!","mystique"); ?></span></a>
          <?php endif; ?>
          <ul id="navigation">
              $navtype = get_mystique_option('navigation');
              if((get_option('show_on_front')<>'page') && get_mystique_option('exclude_home')<>'1'):
               if(is_home() && !is_paged()): ?>
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                <li id="nav-home"><a class="home fadeThis" href="<?php echo get_option('home'); ?>" title="<?php _e('Click for Home','mystique'); ?>"><span class="title"><?php _e('Home','mystique'); ?></span><span class="pointer"></span></a></li>
              endif; ?>
                echo preg_replace('@\<li([^>]*)>\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\<\/a>@i', '<li$1><a class="fadeThis"$2><span class="title">$3</span><span class="pointer"></span></a>', wp_list_categories('show_count=0&echo=0&title_li=&exclude='.get_mystique_option('exclude_categories')));
                $links = get_bookmarks(array(
                'orderby'        => 'name',
                'order'          => 'ASC',
                'limit'          => -1,
                'category'       => null,
                'category_name'  => get_mystique_option('navigation_links'),
                'hide_invisible' => true,
                'show_updated'   => 0,
                'include'        => null,
                'search'         => '.'));
                foreach ($links as $link)
                 echo '<li><a class="fadeThis" href="'.$link->link_url.'" target="_blank"><span class="title">'.$link->link_name.'</span></a><li>';
                 echo preg_replace('@\<li([^>]*)>\<a([^>]*)>(.*?)\<\/a>@i', '<li$1><a class="fadeThis"$2><span class="title">$3</span><span class="pointer"></span></a>', wp_list_pages('echo=0&orderby=name&title_li=&exclude='.get_mystique_option('exclude_pages')));
      <!-- left+right bottom shadow -->
      <div class="shadow-left page-content main-wrapper">
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           <div class="slide-container">
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             $category = get_mystique_option('featured_content');
             $args = 'showposts=5&orderby=date';
             if($category) $args .= '&cat='.$category;
             $backup = $post;
             $query = new WP_Query($args);
             $count = 1;
             if ($query->have_posts()):
              while ($query->have_posts()):
                if (has_post_image()) $post_thumb = true; else $post_thumb = false;
               <!-- slide (100%) -->
               <li class="slide slide-<?php echo $count; ?> featured-content">
                <div class="slide-content clearfix">
                 <div class="details clearfix">
                 <?php if($post_thumb): ?>
                   <a class="post-thumb alignleft" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><?php the_post_image('thumbnail'); ?></a>
                  <?php else:
                   $image = get_first_image();
                   if ($image): ?>
                   <a class="post-thumb alignleft" href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>"><img height="150" src="<?php echo $image; ?>" alt="<?php the_title(); ?>" /></a>
                   <?php endif; endif; ?>
                   <h3><?php echo strip_string(50,get_the_title()); ?></h3>
                  <div class="summary"><?php echo strip_string(300,get_the_excerpt()); ?></div>
                 <a href="<?php the_permalink(); ?>" rel="bookmark" class="readmore"><?php _e("Read more","mystique"); ?></a>
               <!-- /slide -->
             $post = $backup;
           <!-- /block container -->
        <?php endif; ?>

    You want your name to be in red where? Sounds like another simple CSS change, not sure why you went into phpMyAdmin for this?? change it back to avoid the problem and you can use CSS to make it red.

    I want my name to be red everywhere; in the chatbox, posts, comments, profile etc..
    I already removed it from phpAdmin.
    Mind explaining how to fix it in css?

    Thread Starter ItsGreg



    On header.php just before your navigation ul is closed try adding:

    <?php wp_register(); ?>

    The basic idea about the name in red is you have to find the class names for all of these occurances of your names then add to your stylesheet something like:

    .chatboxclass, .postclass, .commentclass { color:red; }

    Although the information we can provide is limited without a URL to see the page!

    Thread Starter ItsGreg


    I’m not a pro in CSS, but wouldn’t adding .postclass { color:red; } make everybody’s name red?

    also, adding <?php wp_register(); ?> just adds an administrator page, which links to wp-admin, but I fixed it by adding
    <li><a href="/wp-login.php?do=register">Register</a></li>
    under the home class; now I just need to make it unvisible to logged in users.

    also, adding <?php wp_register(); ?> just adds an administrator page

    Yeah I though it might be a bit better than what I did earlier, basically it displays the register link if you are not logged in, or the admin page if you are logged in, more info on that just adds an administrator page, “>here

    But basically if you don’t want to display anything at all when the user is logged in, use what I gave earlier, which was:

    <?php if (!is_user_logged_in() ) {?>
    <li><a href="/wp-login.php?do=register">Register</a></li>
    <? } ?>

    I’m not a pro in CSS, but wouldn’t adding .postclass { color:red; } make everybody’s name red?

    The classes I gave were just basic examples I made of the top of my head, not actual classes, you need to find out the classes which are used that go around your name, and if there is none then you need to add them.

    Thread Starter ItsGreg


    yea, i’m aware that you made them up, but i’m just saying. I would change everybody’s posting name to red, since it’s a class.
    I can be modified in the theme editor.

    Well Admin is sometimes given special classes, so you would only be doing it for admin, not everybody.

    If WP isn’t giving special classes to admin then you need to edit the template files in certain instances to give it this special class.

    Did the Register link work?

    Thread Starter ItsGreg


    Yea, register link works; it displays only when i’m logged out.

    Anyways, where should I search for special classes?
    CSS files are really messy =.=

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